
  • 网络Interview;observation of the face
  1. 这些缺点给面诊的进一步发展带来严重的困难。

    These disadvantages bring difficulties to the further development of face diagnosis .

  2. 基于图像分析的中医面诊及在肝病上的研究

    The Face Diagnosis of TCM Based on Image Analysis and the Application on Liverish

  3. 实验室检测和诊断操作是在医生对病人面诊和体检之后进行的。

    Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures are obtained following the interview and physical examination .

  4. 面诊中的人脸分割研究

    Research on Face Segmentation in Face Diagnosis

  5. 传统中医面诊的现代化研究是希望用计算机辅助给出诊断的结论。

    It is hoped that computer could aid to gain the diagnosis result in the research of modernization of traditional Chinese medicine face diagnosis .

  6. 在分割算法的基础上,我们设计了面诊人脸分割平台,实现了自动定位分割,半自动定位分割,手工分割等功能。

    On the foundation of face diagnosis segmentation algorithm , we designed the platform of face segmentation . And we accomplished the function of automatic segmentation , semi-automatic segmentation and artificially segmentation .

  7. 马古拉中心医院的会诊医生德巴斯·比斯瓦斯于上月在马古拉面诊了巴耶济德,他相信巴耶济德患的是儿童早衰症和皮肤松弛症,并担心他可能只能活15年。

    Debashis Bishwas , a consultant from Magura Central Hospital , in Magura , met with Bayezid last month and believes he is suffering from Progeria and Cutis Laxa but fears he may only live for 15 years .

  8. 研究的目标是建立自动提取面色和眼球运动信息的计算方法,为中医面诊诊断信息的量化、分析与处理提供理论和方法上的支持。

    More specifically , this research aimed at building several computational methods for automatically extracting the information of complexion and eye movements . And the methods will provide theoretical and methodological support for the quantification , analysis and processing on the diagnostic information of face diagnosis in TCM .