
miàn bāo chē
  • van;minibus;station wagon
面包车 [miàn bāo chē]
  • [minibus;van;coach] 旅行车的一种,形似长方形的面包,故名

  1. 一辆红色面包车停在房前。

    A red van was parked in front of the house .

  2. 他们查出面包车属于新泽西州的一家租车行。

    They traced the van to a New Jersey car rental agency .

  3. 3个人被从一辆面包车中发射的乱弹打死了。

    Three people were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus

  4. 3名黑人被从一辆面包车里胡乱射出的子弹打死了。

    Three black people were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus .

  5. 租一辆面包车自己搬的话,算起来可能要更省钱些。

    It will probably work out cheaper to hire a van and move your own things .

  6. 那个人的妻子当时在面包车里,但没有在事故中受伤。

    The man 's wife , a passenger in the van , was uninjured in the accident .

  7. 果然,随后不久传来了消息,福特汽车公司(Ford)的交通连接面包车(TransitConnectvan)也已获准在同一时间用作出租车。

    Then came news that Ford 's Transit Connect van has been certified for taxi use in the meantime .

  8. 把面包车和SUV结合起来就是一台庞蒂亚克阿兹特克。

    Combine a minivan and an SUV and you get a Pontiac Aztek .

  9. 工程天然气或柴油动力轿车,面包车,卡车和SUV。

    Works on gas or diesel powered cars , vans , trucks , and SUVs .

  10. 近日,日本KoalaSleepJapan公司推出了午睡空间外卖服务,将面包车改装成卧室,开往需要休息的人的公司。

    Koala Sleep Japan in Japan launched a nap space takeout service , converting the van into a bedroom and driving to a company that needs rest .

  11. 想想职业棒球手丹尼尔·诺里斯(DanielNorris)吧,他能赚200万美元,但还住在一辆大众面包车里。

    Consider the professional baseball player Daniel Norris , who was making $ 2 million but living in a Volkswagen van .

  12. 他在哪里他跟Hurley在面包车那里

    Where is he ? With hurley at the van .

  13. 日产汽车公司(Nissan)的改款面包车赢得竞争,从2013年开始将成为纽约市出租车的指定车型时,这家公司曾经兴奋不已。

    Nissan was pumped when its modified van won a competition to be named New York City 's official taxi beginning in2013 .

  14. 在迪士尼皮克斯(DisneyPixar)的电影《汽车总动员》(Cars)中,嬉皮性格的菲尔莫尔(Fillmore)就是一辆涂着迷彩的大众面包车,依靠出售自制生物柴油谋生。

    In the Disney Pixar movie'Cars , 'the hippie character named Fillmore is a VW microbus painted in psychedelic colors who sells homemade biodiesel for a living .

  15. Alphabet子公司Waymo的自动驾驶里程已超过300万英里,该公司与菲亚特克莱斯勒(FiatChrysler)合作,由后者提供600辆面包车。

    Waymo , the Alphabet subsidiary which has racked up more than 3m autonomous miles , has a partnership with Fiat Chrysler , which is supplying 600 minivans .

  16. 巴尔的摩(Baltimore)的萨拉・魏因戈特(SaraWeingot)在她6岁的儿子犯错后就运用过这个技巧,当时她儿子在乘坐面包车出游时踢推其他两个孩子的儿童加高座椅。

    Sara Weingot of Baltimore used the technique after her 6-year-old son misbehaved during an outing in her minivan , kicking and pushing two other kids ' booster seats .

  17. 于是我选了坐面包车旅行,司机是个快活的僧伽罗人,名叫W·S·亚帕(W.S.Yapa),30多年来一直搭载旅客和记者们在斯里兰卡全境旅行

    I opted instead for a van with a cheerful Sinhalese driver named W. S. Yapa , who has been ferrying tourists and journalists throughout Sri Lanka for over three decades .

  18. 经过了海关和行李的例行检查,我终于找到了来自中国NBA的朋友,他们开着面包车经过一个小时的行程把我接送到了下榻的酒店。

    After going through another hour of customs and baggage claim , I finally found my friends from NBA China who escorted me to a van and we embarked on another hour ride to the hotel .

  19. 在你所期盼的各种迪士尼和皮克斯(Pixar)的展台中,横泊着一辆格格不入的老式白色面包车。这是由ABC拥有和运营的加州弗莱斯诺电视台“新闻进行时”的工作车,安插在一个非常拥挤的游戏区域。

    Amid all the Disney and Pixar fare you 'd expect stood a fairly anachronistic white " Action News " van from ABC 's owned and operated Fresno , Ca. TV station tucked next to a far more heavily trafficked interactive games area .

  20. 这位英国废金融公司goldarrowmetals的首席交易员表示,10月17日凌晨,一伙人在上海机场劫持了他,拖着他穿过航站楼,然后把他塞进面包车。

    The chief trader for UK scrap metal company goldarrow metals says he was abducted by a group of men at a Shanghai airport in the early hours of October 17 , dragged through the terminal and bundled into a van .

  21. 在他的新角色,亨克面包车Duijnhoven将对丹纳赫牙科领域,其中包括卡瓦集团和为Sybron牙科专业责任。

    In his new role , Henk van Duijnhoven will have responsibility for Danaher 's Dental segment , which includes KaVo Group and Sybron Dental Specialties .

  22. 例如,在采矿部门工作的中国人每周三次派面包车到Kamilombe购买大量的绿色蔬菜,如用于他们烹调的卷心菜。

    For example , the Chinese community , working in the mining sector , buys large quantities of green vegetables like cabbage for their cuisine , sending a van three times a week to Kamilombe .

  23. 少数相对富裕的人则开着汽车或面包车。

    A relatively wealthy few drive up in cars or vans .

  24. 路边停着一辆面包车。

    A van was parked at the side of the road .

  25. 所以我才想租一辆面包车。

    That 's why I was going to rent the van .

  26. 两辆面包车在十字路口相撞。

    The two vans collided with each other at the crossroads .

  27. o有一辆神秘的苹果面包车围着旧金山转悠。

    o There 's a mysterious Apple van driving around San Francisco

  28. 我的面包车被几个小流氓破窗而入。

    I caught a couple of punks breaking into my van .

  29. 你能告诉我1辆面包车要多少钱吗?

    Can you tell me the hire charge for a wagon ?

  30. 我认他,当我们走出面包车。

    I recognized him , when we got out of the van .