
xiǎo gōng gòng qì chē
  • minibus;jitney;a public minibus
小公共汽车[xiǎo gōng gòng qì chē]
  1. 主要由快要散架的火车和小公共汽车组成公交系统同样吃紧。

    The hpublic transport system , mostly ramshackle trains and minibus taxis , is also strained .

  2. 从火车站我们可以乘一个免费的小公共汽车到旅馆。

    Then from the train station we can get a free minibus to the hotel .

  3. 无锡市区小公共汽车和出租车发展分析

    Analysis on Development of Minibuses and Taxies in the Urban Area of Wuxi

  4. 小公共汽车我国民众的选择论短途客运的合理模式

    Minibuses-The Masses Choice of our Nation-on the Reasonable Mode of Short-distance Passenger Service

  5. 小羊羔在公共汽车上唱歌。咪!咪!咪!

    Lambs on the bus sing . Maa ! Maa ! Maa !