
  • 网络xiaogang village
  1. 同时,小岗村土地流转过程中存在一些棘手的制约因素,一定程度上阻碍了其土地流转的顺利开展。

    Meanwhile , the small Village of land in the circulation of some difficult constraints , to some extent hindered the smooth development of the land transfer .

  2. 故本文选取农村改革的发源地&小岗村为案例,着重研究其改革的产权结构和制度安排方面,对西方理论和现今研究进行反思,以求找出可在全国推行的改革思路方法。

    Therefore , the paper selected the case of source of rural reform Xiao Gang Village to make reflection and correction to the western theory and research nowadays , so as to search the reform method that can be promoted in the nation .