
  1. 李铁开始结所示,然后按住花边的照片。

    Tie a Starting Knot as shown , then hold the laces as pictured .

  2. 李铁:户籍改革在大城市不应操之过急。

    Household registration reform in large cities should not be carried out in haste .

  3. 李铁属于“新生代”实力派作家。

    Li Tie is a really powerful writer of the " new generation " .

  4. 李铁:进入21世纪,中国城镇化的发展到了关键时期。

    A : China 's urban development has entered a crucial moment after we stepped into the 21st century .

  5. 中国男足主教练李铁及其球员将于周五开始在上海集训。

    Head coach Li Tie and his players will assemble for a training camp in Shanghai starting on Friday .

  6. 酸甜苦辣咸笑而不语,再后来黄昏晓和李铁也来了。

    Bittersweet laugh instead of salty language , and then later at dusk , and Li Xiao also arrived .

  7. 在这场对阵亚洲排名第一的对手的比赛中,中国国家队主教练李铁选择了防守阵型,安排了五名后卫。

    Chinese head coach Li Tie opted for a defensive formation against the top-ranked team in Asia , fielding five defenders .

  8. 李铁教授提出对于肿瘤患者治疗的“平衡疗法”,着重提高患者的生存质量。

    Professor LI Tie proposes the " Balance Treatment " to against tumor , the point is to raise the quality of patients'life .

  9. “马斯是个伟大的球员,但是咱们对他没兴趣”,苏比老头子说。(我才不信呢,难道你对李铁有兴趣啊)

    " Mascherano is a great player but we 're not interested in him ," Barcelona 's sporting director , Andoni Zubizarreta , said .

  10. 从诗意的工厂速写到深邃的人文关怀&评李铁的小说创作

    From Poetic " Literary Sketch of the Factory " to Deep " Humane Care " & Comment the novel which is created by Li Tie

  11. 李铁:50年代末期,中国开始实行城乡分割的户籍管理体制以及城乡差别的就业、土地和公共福利制度。

    Answer : in the late1950s , China began to introduce a household registration system that registered urban and rural households separately , as well as corresponding employment , land utilization and public welfare systems with different treatments to urban and rural residents .