
  • 网络Land Law
  1. 土地法律框架不完整,这六个相互联系的问题正是中国目前土地政策所面临的主要挑战。

    And the framework of land law system is not complete .

  2. 其次,基于本体的土地法律领域分析。

    Secondly , this dissertation analyzes the land law domain based on ontology .

  3. 古代文明进程中土地法律渊源初探

    Studying the source of ancient land laws in the process of civilization

  4. 首先,完善土地法律、法规。

    First of all , optimize the regulations and laws .

  5. 制度经济学与土地法律制度的建立、健全及运作

    The Setting up , Amplifying and Functioning of System Economy and Land Legal System

  6. 本文就是围绕着这两个方面展开对土地法律体系的经济分析的。

    Therefore the dissertation evolves its economic analysis of land institutions on the two aspects .

  7. 从经济学的角度看,土地法律制度的产生源与于土地交易费用的节约;

    From economic perspective , land legal system originates from economizing on land transaction costs .

  8. 土地法律制度的经济学分析

    An economic perspective of land legal system

  9. 我国现行农村土地法律制度是对人民公社体制不彻底改革的产物,是按照公平优先、兼顾效率原则设计的。

    The law is designed on the basis of the principle that fairness is prior with attention to efficiency .

  10. 最后建立实验原型系统,初步实现基于本体的土地法律查询和土地法律咨询功能。

    At last , the prototype system which preliminarily realizes land law inquiry and land law consultation is built .

  11. 而我国正处于社会转型期,相关土地法律制度还存在不健全、不完善的地方。

    And our country is in the period of social transition , the relevant land legal system is not perfect .

  12. 小产权房突破了我国现行土地法律制度,成为公认的违法产物。

    Partial property house breaches our current legal system of land , so it is looked as illegal real estate .

  13. 鉴于法律推理在法律领域中的重要地位,土地法律本体推理的研究是必不可少的。

    It is necessary to research land law ontology reasoning because of the important position of legal reasoning in law domain .

  14. 在采邑的土地法律中,佃户的严重犯罪行为可导致其保有的土地转利到地主名下。

    In feudal land law , the Commission of a felony by a tenant caused his land to pass to his lord .

  15. 土地法律制度的存在可以降低土地交易费用,提高经济效率,促进土地利用过程中外部性问题的内部化;

    The land legal system can decrease land transaction costs , enhance economic efficiency , facilitate the internalization of external problems in land use .

  16. 小产权房目前已经成为困扰我国房地产市场,挑战我国现行土地法律制度的新问题。

    Partial property house has become a new problem to raid the real estate market and challenge the Chinese current legal system of land .

  17. 陈小君等学者在《农村土地法律制度研究》中以实证调查的方式,表明我国农村集体组织内部的土地纠纷是很少的,而有关土地征收补偿的纠纷却很多。

    An investigation indicates that Chinese rural collective economic organization is very little land disputes , while the land acquisition compensation disputes are many .

  18. 要理解公共土地法律在环境方面的意义,就必须将对其非环境方面意义的基本理解作为背景。

    In order to understand the environmental aspects of public land law , a basic understanding of the non-environmental aspects is necessary as background .

  19. 在农村土地法律制度使用权的改革上,要进一步推动农村土地使用权的长期化和完善农户土地使用权的内容。

    In the reform of rural land system , we should further promote the long-term rural land use right of farmers and perfect the contents .

  20. 19世纪时,随着工业革命的迅速发展,英国传统的土地法律制度日益不能满足社会经济发展的需要,改革土地法使之适应社会变革的要求成为重要的时代主题。

    With the development of industrial revolution , the English traditional land law could not meet the needs of social and economic changes in the 19th century .

  21. 论文主要是对1978年以后我国农村土地法律制度的发展情况及其存在的问题进行考察与研究。

    This dissertation has mainly observed the development of the legal regime of rural land in China and also researched about the existed problem of this regime since 1978 .

  22. 文章通过现行的土地法律制度和政策,分析了我国农地发展权缺失的表现、后果及原因,并探讨了建构的思路。

    In this paper , author analyze reasons and consequences for the missing in the existing system of land law and policy , and explore the construct of thought .

  23. 这是俄中两国有关土地法律制度的根本区别,也是俄中两国调整整个土地法律关系的制度基础。

    This is not only a basic difference between Russian and Chinese land law systems , but also a system base to regulate legal land relations of the two countries .

  24. 农地关系是与农村繁荣,农业稳定和农民利益息息相关的土地法律关系,市场经济的不断发展呼唤农地关系的变革和农地制度的创断。

    The relationship among the rights on the rural land is critical to the fostering of the village community , he steady development of the agriculture and interests of the peasantry .

  25. 我国相关的土地法律规定只有出于公益性目的政府才能行驶强制收回国有土地行为,这一规定与土地储备实施的现实行为存在矛盾。

    China 's relevant laws of the land will only be mandatory for the government aims to recover welfare state-owned land , the land reserve with the real behavior of conflict .

  26. 土地法律制度是指土地所有制、土地使用制以及土地管理制度的建立、演变及其实施等方面的规范,所研究的是土地利用中人与人之间的经济关系问题。

    Land law includes land ownership , the establishment , development and enforcement of land use and management system , among which the ownership of land is the center of land law .

  27. 总结比较法律知识表达形式,讨论土地法律知识的形式化表达。接着,探讨了土地法律本体构建方法。

    The formal expression of land law knowledge is discussed based on comparison of methods of legal knowledge . Next , this dissertation puts forward the method of land law ontology construction .

  28. 现行土地法律制度对农村集体建设用地使用权的流转予以了严格限制,致使土地一级市场被国有用地所垄断。

    The current legal system of land grants strict limitation to the use right circulation of the rural collective construction land , resulting in the monopoly of state-owned land for land primary market .

  29. 在现有的土地法律制度下,任何针对集体土地的商业性开发都受到严格限制,使得原本附属于集体土地之上的潜质利益无法得到释放。

    Under the existing system of land law , any collective land for commercial exploitation are subjected to strict limits , making the original potential benefits of the collective land can not be released .

  30. 土地法律制度的构成要素正式约束、非正式约束和实施机制都能影响其经济功能的实现,这些要素也正是土地法律制度改革和完善的主要内容。

    As chief elements of land legal system , formal and informal constraints and administration institution can affect land legal system 's economic function and hence become the targets for land legal system reform .