
  • 网络Land Value Increment;Appreciation
  1. 基于CA的城市增长与土地增值动态模拟方法探讨

    A Study on Dynamic Simulation of Urban Growth and Land Value Increment Based on CA Model

  2. 城市土地增值及其收益分配研究

    The Study of Urban Land Value Increment and Revenue Distribution

  3. 同时结合城市增长理论分析了城市增长过程中土地增值状态,并利用CA模型和GIS地理信息系统的集成模拟城市增长与土地增值的动态变化过程,充分揭示城市增长与土地增值的内在联系。

    Moreover , with the use of CA model and GIS integration of geographic information system , it has simulated urban growth and land value increment dynamic process .

  4. 现行土地增值税日益显出阻碍房地产流通等弊端。

    There are some disadvantages in the present Land Appreciation Tax .

  5. 城市化过程中的土地增值研究

    The Study of Urban Land Increment in the Process of Urbanization

  6. 房地产公司土地增值税筹划方法研究

    Research on Land Appreciation Tax Planning Methods for Real Estate Company

  7. 城镇土地增值收益计算模式研究

    Research on Calculation Pattern of Town Land Rise in Value

  8. 城市增长、土地增值与城市政策

    Urban Growth , Rises in Land Value and Urban Policy

  9. 信息化进程中城市用地发展与土地增值问题

    On Development and Appreciation of Urban Land in the Process of Informationization

  10. 土地增值税征收对房地产企业的影响研究

    Study about Influence of Land Value Increment Tax to Real Estate Enterprises

  11. 关于土地增值税改革的若干思考

    Thought about the Reform of Increment Tax on Land Value

  12. 城市基础设施建设与土地增值收益分配问题探讨

    Discussion on the City Infrastructure and Allocation of Added Values from Land

  13. 第六,建立城市土地增值回收制度;

    The sixth , set up urban land hyperplasia and retrieve the system .

  14. 快速城市化时期的土地增值与调控对策分析

    Land Value Increment and Countermeasures in Rapid Urbanization Period

  15. 城市增长与土地增值的综合理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Urban Growth and Land Value Increment

  16. 土地增值税击退豪宅开发潮新房能否拉低房价?

    Roll back residential development land tax could bring new premises flows prices ?

  17. 该税种不但有违税收的立法原则,而且,土地增值额与企业所得税应纳税所得额计算有雷同之处,对纳税人同一笔收入有重复计税现象。

    The paper thinks that it goes against the principle of tax legislation .

  18. 农地征收价格构成与土地增值的关系

    Study on the Relationship between Components of Farmland Expropriation Price and Land Value Increase

  19. 其次,分析了近几年长春市城市土地增值趋势;

    Next , analyzes the Changchun 's city land increment tendency in recent years ;

  20. 规范土地增值税的征收管理等对策。

    Moreover , the collection management on the land appreciation tax should be standardized .

  21. 完善土地增值税制度的对策

    Countermeasures on Perfecting Land Appreciation Tax in China

  22. 土地增值税是我国开征的一个新兴税种。

    The increment tax on land value is a new type of tax in China .

  23. 估计剩余有效损失值估计应付土地增值税

    Accrued liabilities for land value increment tax

  24. 土地增值律这一客观存在的经济规律必然要求对土地资产进行表外披露。

    The law of land increment must require the disclosing of land assets outside statements .

  25. 完善土地增值税的一个设想

    A Design on Perfecting Land Appreciation Tax

  26. 在新的经济、社会背景下,城市土地增值的影响因素呈现新的特点。

    In the new stage , factors of urban land value increment have new characteristics .

  27. 土地增值税清算政策下普通住宅开发的研究

    A Study on the Development of Ordinary Residential under Clearing of Land Value-added Tax Policy

  28. 试论土地增值税的保留与完善

    The Tentative Plan to Perfect Land VAT

  29. 上海轨道交通站点周边土地增值收益的量化分析与对策研究

    Quantitative Analysis of Incremental Profit from Land Surrounding Shanghai Rail Transport Stations and Study of Countermeasures

  30. 近年来我国的房地产土地增值税成了一个热点问题。

    In recent years , our real estate of the land tax became a hot issues .