
xínɡ xiànɡ ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • vanity project
  1. 图书馆网页是联系图书馆与用户的枢纽,是图书馆借助Internet向外界展示自我的形象工程。

    The homepage of the library , which is a bridge connecting the library and the readers , is an " image engineering " revealing itself to the outside world with the help of Internet .

  2. 地方形象工程融资圈地谁在与国家政策赛跑?

    Local image project financing companies who race with national policy ?

  3. 论地方政府旅游形象工程的虚与实

    On the Falsity and Reality of Local Governments ' Tourism Image Engineering

  4. 印度同样还完成了德里地铁等形象工程。

    The country has also completed showcase projects such as the Delhi Metro .

  5. 阳城电厂&山西形象工程

    Yangcheng Power Plant as a Demonstrative Works of Shanxi

  6. 新世纪伊始,公司全面实施形象工程及整合营销,不断改革创新,开发高新产品。

    In this new century , the company keeps innovating and developing new products .

  7. 成体人形象工程的设计与实施&成都体育学院推进素质教育的实践探索

    Theory and Practice on " Faculty in Chengdu Institute of P.E " Image Project

  8. 与许多其它新兴城市一样,合肥也有许多形象工程。

    Like so many other boom towns , Hefei has its share of vanity projects .

  9. 客观地讲,旅游形象工程能明显改善旅游及投资环境。

    Speaking objectively , the tourism image engineering can improve tourism and investment environments obviously .

  10. 气象服务的电视形象工程

    An Image-Improving Project of TV Meteorological Service

  11. 足球是城市发展体系中的一个形象工程,是现代文明城市人们生活的一部分,它既有经济价值,又有社会价值;

    Content : Football is an image project of the development system of a city .

  12. 符拉迪沃斯托克的一些市民对这些形象工程的长期效果表示怀疑。

    Some residents of the city are sceptical about the lasting effects of such showcase investments .

  13. 改革政绩考核机制,着力解决形象工程、政绩工程以及不作为、乱作为等问题。

    Reform the evaluation process for officials and focus on solving the problem of vanity projects .

  14. 文化旅游经济结构,主要由文化产业、生态产业、形象工程产业构成。

    The construction of culture tourism economy consists of culture industry , ecology industry and image programme .

  15. 形象工程与内涵建设的统一&佛山市图书馆新馆十周年馆庆有感

    Unify of Typical Project and Connotation Construction & Thoughts on the Tenth Anniversary of New Foshan City Library

  16. 发展旅游业,扩大知名度,实施形象工程是振兴烟台的重要举措。

    The important strategy for Yantai revival is to develop tourism , broaden its name and implement image project .

  17. 作为兰州市的一项形象工程,对整个地区的发展有着重要的意义。

    Lanzhou City as an image of engineering , the development of the entire region has an important significance .

  18. 改变“见物不见人”的做法,纠正不切实际的“形象工程”、“政绩工程”;

    Change the " see no object " approach to correct unrealistic " image projects " and " achievement projects ";

  19. 实施三个工程&信念工程、人心工程、形象工程;

    Implement " three projects " & the project of faith , the project of people 's soul , the project of image ;

  20. 此外,许多农村领导一心要与其他村庄竞争,他们盲目地为建设形象工程预留大笔的预算资金。

    Besides , many rural leaders are obsessed with the competition with other villages , and they blindly reserve budgets for image constructions .

  21. 形象工程的政绩标志误导土地整理行为,不能片面追求数量平衡而忽视质量提高;

    This paper indicates that the figure project , as the achievement in one 's post , will misdirect the land consolidation and rehabilitation .

  22. 构筑秘书形象工程的新框架&涉外秘书专业教学计划的设计与实施

    CONSTRACT THE NEW FRAMEWORK OF SECRETARIAL IMAGE PROJECT ─ The Design and Execution of the Teaching Program for the Foreign Affair - Oriented Secretarial Major

  23. 部分地方仅把建一批廉租住房作为短期的形象工程,不重视制度建设;

    The Low-rent house has been constructed just as the visual project in a short time by some local authorities who think little of system construction .

  24. 运河文化产业带是通州区的形象工程,是北京市为迎接2008年奥运的重大举措。

    Canal culture industry area is the image project of Tongzhou zone , and is the great act of Beijing city for meeting 2008 Olympic Games .

  25. 年轻人需要出头,这不是形象工程。如果我们球队里年轻人太少,那么就得制造机会。

    Young players should emerge on merit , not because of tokenism , but if we have fewer players in the squads it will create more opportunities .

  26. 正是这些问题的存在,使得我国地方政府的投资决策失误率较高,频繁的形象工程、政绩工程等问题层出不穷,完善我国地方政府投资决策迫在眉睫。

    These problems are the right reasons which make the local government investment decision-making errors be higher and " image projects "," achievement projects " emerge in endlessly .

  27. 以建设山东新闻界跨世纪形象工程&山东新闻大厦为标志,大众日报社二次创业活动掀起了高潮。

    Now , Shandong News mansion has become a new image for Dazhong 's New Generation Development program , focused on thrusting Dazhong Daily forward in the21st Century .

  28. 应将海洋硅谷工程、海洋城市形象工程、海洋旅游工程、海洋文化产业工程列为舟山海洋文化发展的重点。

    The key point of developing Zhoushan marine culture should include such projects as marine silicon valley , marine city image , marine tourism and marine cultural industry .

  29. 地方政府在投机和高房价中形成了既得利益,投资兴建奢华的形象工程,提高声望,拉动经济增长。

    Local governments have a vested interest in speculation and high land prices to fund the grandiose infrastructure and show projects that enhance their reputations and drive local growth .

  30. 这样看草率决策、盲目上马新项目,甚至屡屡出现“形象工程”、“政绩工程”也就不足为奇了。

    See like this to make policy careless , blindness top new item in horse , even appear the " image engineering "," achievement engineering " repeatedly too no wonder .