
  1. Uprety说,这个网络试图评估各种组织应对气候变化的能力,分享信息,并形成合力。

    The network will attempt to assess the strengths of various organisations to deal with climate change , share information and use their collective expertise .

  2. 财政与金融必须形成合力以支持新农村建设。

    Investment and finance should support construction of the new socialist countryside together .

  3. 亚洲各国的外交远未形成合力。

    Diplomacy in Asia is far from United .

  4. 这就要求家庭、学校和社会各方面形成合力。

    This requires that families , schools and all sectors of society join forces .

  5. 区内企业缺乏整体优势,难以形成合力;

    Enterprises in Jinniu District lack superiority in wholeness and are difficult to form resultant force ;

  6. (一)加强领导,形成合力

    Strengthen Leadership and Form Resultant Force

  7. 第三,我们应该利用好我们在经贸领域的互补性,形成合力。

    Third , we should harness our complementarities and synergies in the areas of trade and business .

  8. 企业伦理行为与企业资金、技术等一样影响着企业的全面发展,它们形成合力,共同推动企业前进。

    Enterprise ethic action , like capital and technology , influences and promote the development of the enterprises .

  9. 教师教育方法的改进和家长共同参与形成合力是综合干预的主要作用因素。

    Conclusion : The comprehensive intervention is an effective approach in management of learning difficulty of school children .

  10. ⑹山海经济协调发展要以政府为主导、多种力量形成合力。

    ⑹ Shanhai coordinated economic development should be guided by the government , a variety of forces together .

  11. 这些策略相互关联,缺一不可,形成合力,共同对竞争战略起到支撑作用。

    These strategies are interdependent on and indispensable to one another and work together to support competitive strategy .

  12. 审计系统内、外形成合力,共同防护经济社会系统。

    All the aspects inside or outside the audit system try together to defend the economic and social system .

  13. 加强农民工文化建设是一项长期而复杂的系统工程,需要多管齐下、形成合力。

    Strengthen their cultural construction is a long and complicated system engineering , need multi-methods and form a cohesive force .

  14. 执政官负责管理区域内的协调事务,整合资源,形成合力。

    Archon is responsible for managing the coordination of services within the region , integrate resources , and concerted efforts .

  15. 各个方面共同努力形成合力,农村初中数学教学质量一定会有所提高。

    Join forces to work together in all aspects of rural junior high school mathematics teaching quality must be improved .

  16. 其次,知识分子群体与党的领袖群体形成合力是马克思主义大众化的主体力量。

    Secondly , the groups between the intellectuals and the leaders of CPC work together to boost the popularization of Marxism .

  17. 搭建整车企业与电力能源供给商贸易交流的平台,形成合力。

    Set up the platform for trade and exchange between car companies and power energy suppliers , to create combined force .

  18. 只有多方面采取措施形成合力拧成一股绳,才能确保他们树立正确的价值观从而健康成长。

    Only joint efforts and join forces to take different measures to ensure that they establish the correct values to healthy growth .

  19. 经济发展模式的选择,是以经济空间结构为基础,在外部发展环境的压力,内部发展环境的动力双重作用之下做出的选择,它应当与空间结构相辅相成,形成合力。

    The modulation is produced by internal pressure and external force , the model selecting must be coincide with the economical space structure .

  20. 以上这些因素形成合力,驱动品特将疾病选作他的作品构件。

    All these factors have formed a kind of synergy to drive Pinter to choose illness as his key component in his works .

  21. 从这四方面来形成合力、综合引导,最终促成大学生价值观的健康发展。

    These four aspects create synergy , form a joint force and eventually lead to the healthy development of the college students ' values .

  22. 构建全员、全程、全方位育人的全息育人德育模式,需要在稳定德育基本力量的基础上,动员全体教师积极参与,学校各部门形成合力;

    It needs to stabilize the basic moral educational power and mobilize all the teachers to take part to construct an all-sided moral educational model .

  23. 只有综合运用多种途径,才能形成合力,使父母在现代家庭教育中真正实现自身教育素质的发展和提高。

    If multiple channels are exerted comprehensively to form resultant force , the parental education quality should be developed and advanced in modern family education .

  24. 开展安全教育工作,需要学校、家庭、社会等各界力量形成合力来共同推进。

    Carry out safety education work , needs the school , family and society from all walks of life together to jointly promote the strength formation .

  25. 整个格局是东引西联,南拓北通,中心崛起,形成合力。

    The whole structure is " connecting east and west , extending to the north and south , raising the central area and forming composition forces " .

  26. 只有三方共同努力,形成合力,高等职业教育才能实现可持续的发展,更好的为区域经济服务。

    Only tripartite joint efforts to form a cohesive force , the higher vocational education can realize sustainable development , and better service for the regional economy .

  27. 唤起全社会对卫生职业教育的关注,在关心和监督教育的同时支持卫生职业教育,形成合力,促进教育的全面发展。

    At the same time in concerning and inspection of education , to support the health vocational education so as to promote the overall development in education .

  28. 建设班级文化,应在努力发挥教师与学生各自独特作用的同时规范两者的行为以形成合力,应在师生良好互动的基础上促使教师文化与学生文化的同质。

    To build class cultures , we should make full use of the teachers and students and at the same time standardize the behavior of the two sides .

  29. 并且,论文指出,这些核心策略应该整合起来统一实施才能形成合力,取得更好的效果。

    As well , the article points out , these core strategies should be integrated unified implementation can form the joint forces tactics , and get better results .

  30. 从廉政文化的内涵与特点出发,应分层次、多途径、统筹规划、形成合力地开展高校廉政文化建设工作。

    Base on the connotation and characteristic of this culture , the article discusses the effective way to construct culture in colleges on different levels and in many ways .