
  1. 池子两旁形态万千的大象配上柔和的灯光,尽情展现了泰国独有的浪漫气息。

    Elephants in various hues and lamplight around the pool create a unique romantic atmosphere of Thailand .

  2. 在各大商店里,各种各样的家电产品可谓是名目繁多,形态万千。

    In the major stores , a variety of household electrical appliances can be called various names , the shape great .

  3. 又因为建筑自身产生的一次轮廓与二次轮廓的重叠,加之弯曲的街巷走向,产生了形态万千、景观变化丰富的街巷空间。

    Because the first outline and the second outline are overlapping , which from the architecture itself . In addition , the bending streets produced form of the millions for street space .

  4. 大自然总是创造最合理的结构形式,形态万千的自然界蕴藏着无穷优美的、可供选择的合理结构,自然界的创造能力常常要超越人类的设计和想象能力。

    Nature is always constructing the most economical building . There are inexhaustible configurations in nature , pretty and rational to be chosen . The creativity of the nature exceeds the human ingenuity ever and again .

  5. 正在过来,许少人经常用纸做成形态万千的物像以及人物像,取去世者一起下葬或者葬礼上熄灭,这一习俗正在中邦境外偶然仍可睹到。

    In the past , people often make use of paper-like shape and a variety of portraits , and buried with the deceased or funeral burning , the practice in Chellona sometimes can still see the outside .