
xínɡ xiànɡ dài yán rén
  • image representative
  1. 强势品牌与形象代言人的选择

    Strong Brand and the Choice of Image Representative

  2. 产品形象代言人的广告效果研究

    Advertising Study of Production Image Representative

  3. 公司的形象代言人应该是CEO,所以当时我想,我将是前台的CEO。

    The face and the voice of the company should be the CEO , so I remember thinking in that moment that I was going to be the CEO of the reception desk .

  4. 得到工作之后,他看着我说:恭喜你,你现在就是HillHolliday的形象代言人了。

    When I got the job , he looked at me and said , Congratulations , you are now the face and the voice of Hill Holliday .

  5. 对体育明星作形象代言人推行品牌产品的战略效应分析

    Strategic Analysis of Brand Products as Image Spokesman of Sports Stars

  6. 品牌形象代言人是品牌传播的一个有效策略。

    Brand image prolocutor is an effective strategy for brand communication .

  7. 品牌形象代言人的作用及其选择策略

    On the Functions and the Selection Strategies of Brand Image Spokesman

  8. 然而企业在选用形象代言人时也暴露出了不少问题。

    However , there still appear many problems in selecting image prolocutors .

  9. 企业需要什么样的形象代言人?

    What kind of figure spokesman does the enterprise want ?

  10. 选择明星运动员、有潜力的运动员和普通人作为形象代言人;

    All star athletes , potential stars and ordinary people can be used .

  11. 近些年来,商家请名人做广告或者出任企业的形象代言人越来越多。

    Recently , more and more business invite celebrity as spokesmen for theirs company .

  12. 目前,活动形象代言人及主持人选拔正在火热进行中。

    Currently , the spokesperson and host of activities are hot in the selection .

  13. 品牌形象代言人的合理运用是赢得这一挑战的有效途径。

    It is the effective way to use brand endorser to solve these questions .

  14. 即使不再担任首席执行长一职,马云仍是阿里巴巴的形象代言人。

    Even though he is no longer CEO , Mr. Ma remains the face of Alibaba .

  15. 如今,众多商家也已经意识到品牌形象代言人的重要作用,纷纷使用品牌形象代言人。

    Numerous businessman has also realize the important role of brand endorser and use the brand endorser .

  16. 当前,企业越来越重视形象代言人对品牌的宣传作用。

    At present , companies are increasingly concerned with image prolocutor for the advocacy role of the brand .

  17. 在这期间,他成为中国随处可见的广告代言人,以及2008奥运会的形象代言人。

    In the intervening time he has become a ubiquitous pitchman in China and the face of the2008 Games .

  18. 牛仔服装作为当今潮流与时尚的形象代言人,象征着年轻和活力,成为经久不衰的流行主题。

    As one of the representatives of fashion , jeans are an everlasting theme , which symbolize youth and energy .

  19. 好的,那你猜猜世博会的形象代言人是谁?他可是我最喜欢的篮球巨星呢。

    Ok , let 's guess who is the image representative of shanghai Expo ? He is a supper star of basketball player .

  20. 服装形象代言人由于具有一定的知名度,在目前的服装品牌推广中被广泛应用。

    Being well known to some extent , the garment image prolocutors have been widely applied in the popularization of garment brands these days .

  21. 在一片欢呼声中,它甚至被接受为西班牙某城的荣誉公民。之后,还成了英格兰申请2018年世界杯主办权的形象代言人。

    Amid the euphoria , he was even made an honorary citizen of a Spanish town before being made an ambassador for England's2018 World Cup bid .

  22. 但是单纯的产品广告在现代营销中显得势单力薄,必须借助品牌形象代言人在更高的层面将各类产品统领在一面旗帜下。

    But simple products advertisement is very weak among modern marketing . The product be commanded under a flag on higher aspect through the brand spokesman .

  23. 章家敦就是带点幸灾乐祸地看衰中国的媒体形象代言人,而这种现象在西方媒体中是更为常见的。

    Chang 's brand is emblematic of the negative bias toward China , tinged with schadenfreude , that is more common than uncommon in the Western press .

  24. 品牌联想中对服装品牌知名形象代言人的印象越深刻,消费者对服装品牌近距离延伸的评价越高,但对其远距离延伸评价没有显著影响。

    The evaluation of brand 's near-extension from customer depended on the brand association of the brand 's prolocutor while the far-extension evaluation did not depend on it .

  25. 第二部分通过价值分析法,对企业、形象代言人、消费者、政府、行业自治组织的关系进行阐述进而对法律规制路径选择作出分析。

    In the second part , by using the value analyze to explain the relationships between enterprise , endorsement , consumers , government and organizations of self-government industry .

  26. 关于广告类型我们则抓住了商品类型和广告形象代言人性别这两个重要的广告元素对广告进行分类。

    When classifying the types of advertisement , we focused on two important factors : the category of commodities and the gender of the image representatives in an advertisement .

  27. 加之大学生消费群体自身的年龄特点以及消费特点,品牌形象代言人的使用也能够助商家一臂之力抢占这个细分市场。

    On the other hand , because of the consumption characteristics and age characteristics of the college students , the brand endorser can help merchants hand occupy this market segment .

  28. 越来越多的商家意识到明星的社会影响力,在其产品或服务中邀请明星担任证明者、推荐者或形象代言人。

    More and more businesses , aware of the social impact of the stars , invite stars to act as certifiers , recommenders or image spokesmen in their products and services .

  29. 实验三中,当男女形象代言人同时出现时,得到的结果与实验一没有太大的差别。

    In the last experiment , when both male and female image representatives show up at the same time , the result is almost the same as that of the first experiment .

  30. 公司成立之初,就聘请著名影视演员孙俪作为形象代言人,成为第一个产品未上市就聘请形象代言人的中国手机品牌。

    When just established , the company engaged one of the most present movie-star , Li Sun , as brand ambassador , which make CLOVE the first brand before be listed in china .