
  1. 促进科普工作的中国科学技术协会(CAST)成立已有50年。

    T is half a century since the China Association for Science and Technology ( CAST ) was founded to promote and popularise science .

  2. 本文分析了农机科普期刊对中国农机化的促进作用。

    This paper analyses the promoting role of popular science magazines of agricultural machinery for China 's agricultural mechanization .

  3. 中国现代科普文学作为中国现代文学不可分割的重要组成部分,一直为学界所忽略,尚未对之进行系统地整理和研究。

    Chinese modern popular science literature , though being an integral part of Chinese Modern Literature , has long been neglected by the academia and hasn 't been studied and researched systematically .

  4. 教学与科普专业委员会是中国药理学会所属的二级学会,是药理学教学工作者的学术性群众团体。

    The Committee of education and popular science is a second class member of Chinese Pharmacological Society and a mass academic organizetion of Pharmacogical teachera .