
  • 网络Science and Technology Cooperation;COST
  1. 中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖

    The People 's Republic of China International Scientific and Technological Co-operation Award

  2. 中苏科学技术合作中的技术转移

    Transfer of Technology in the Scientific and Technological Cooperation between China and the Soviet Union

  3. 科学技术合作是实现科学技术资源共享、充分利用可用科学技术资源的一种途径。

    The science technology cooperation is an approach of sharing science technology resources and taking full advantage of available resources .

  4. 与会代表同意,在今年10月将举行一个研讨会,讨论西方八国集团和发展中国家之间的科学技术合作。

    There are plans for a workshop to discuss science and technology cooperation between G8 and developing countries in October .

  5. 签署科学技术合作协议常常是希望形成更紧密的合作伙伴关系的国家迈出的第一步。

    Signing agreements on scientific and technological cooperation is often the first step for countries wanting to forge closer working relationships .

  6. 因为有利于这两个国家间进行合作的几种因素都一直在起作用,他们之间才能够成功地达成科学技术合作协定。

    The two countries could reach agreement successfully on scientific and technological cooperation because several factors favorable to their cooperation had been at work .

  7. 宏观对策主要包括继承和发展我国优秀的传统文化,深入推进宏观产业制度创新,全面深入推进教育和培训事业的发展,加强科技创新与推广,积极开展国际科学技术合作。

    The macro-policies include the development of Chinese traditional culture , systematic innovation , the development of education , cultivation , scientific and technological innovation and international cooperation .

  8. 国际科学技术合作奖授予对中国科学技术事业做出重要贡献的外国公民或者组织。

    The international science and Technology Cooperation Prizes shall be granted to foreign citizens or organizations that have made significant contributions to the cause of china 's science and technology .

  9. 现代社会发展到科学技术合作的全球化,经济全球化,政治经济一体化时代,世界在和平和发展的大主题下出现了许多新的问题,社会主义改革也面临许多挑战。

    Development of modern society to the globalization of scientific and technical cooperation , economic globalization , political and economic integration era , the world peace and development in a large theme in many new problems emerge , the socialist reform faces many challenges .

  10. 促进拉丁美洲核科学技术区域合作安排

    Regional Cooperative Arrangements for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America

  11. 此外,今年中美更新其关于科学及技术合作的双边协议。

    Moreover , China and the US this year renewed their bilateral agreements on scientific and technological cooperation .

  12. 第十四条依照中国法律在中国投资或者同中国的企业、事业单位进行经济、科学技术、文化合作以及其他需要在中国长期居留的外国人,经中国政府主管机关批准,可以获得长期居留或者永久居留资格。

    Article 14 Aliens who , in compliance for prolonged or permanent residence in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government .

  13. 中国和拉丁美洲的科学技术交流与合作拉丁美洲的农业科研投资还是主要以公共部门为主;

    SINO-LATIN AMERICA EXCHANGES AND COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Agricultural research in the LAC region is still largely in the public sector .

  14. 争取在科学和技术全国性合作的基础上,在南海实现我国深海研究的突破。

    Research breakthroughs are expected in the South China Sea on the basis of nation-wide cooperation with a combined effort by the scientific and engineering communities .

  15. 随着大科学时代的到来,科学技术研究的跨国合作日趋复杂,日益加强。

    With the advent of the era of science , science and technology research trends of transnational cooperation , increasingly complex , increasingly .

  16. 科学外交必须强调各国的真正问题并且把焦点放在寻找科学技术解决方案的合作项目上。

    Science diplomacy must emphasise the real problems of countries and focus on collaborative projects to find scientific and technological solutions .

  17. 非洲科学院的院长MohamedH.A.Hassan在《科学》杂志的这篇社论中说,科学技术的合作将有助于培育国家之间的融合。

    Mohamed H.A.Hassan , president of the African Academy of Sciences , argues in this Science editorial that collaboration in science and technology ( S & T ) will help foster cross-national integration .