
  • 网络scientific research institution;research institute;research institutions
  1. 谈科研院所图书馆日文期刊馆藏的必要性

    On the Necessity of Collecting Japanese Periodicals in Scientific Research Institution Library

  2. 适合于大学、科研院所、企业等从事新产品研发,特别是昂贵产品的实验研究。

    It is suitable for the demands of the new products development of the college , scientific research institution , enterprises , especially the expensive products development .

  3. 未来,起步区将是北京疏解出的高校、科研院所、医疗机构、企业总部、金融机构、事业单位等的集中承载区。

    Designed for taking over Beijing 's functions nonessential to its role as the national capital , the city proper will be a new home for Beijing 's colleges , research institutes , hospitals , business headquarters , and financial and public institutions .

  4. 基于Lotusnotes科研院所办公自动化系统

    Office automation system of scientific research institution based on Lotus Notes

  5. 基于AHP的改制科研院所知识型员工激励研究

    Study on Motivation for Knowledge Worker in System-transformed Scientific Research Institutes Based on AHP

  6. P2P技术和搜索引擎相关技术是当前科研院所、公司争相研究的热点。

    The technologies of P2P and about search engine now are scientific research academy and company 's research hotspot .

  7. NIH直接到高校和各科研院所。

    NIH gave its instruction direct to universities or institutes .

  8. 公司已承担诸多地区的太阳能电站建设、太阳能低碳住宅建设、科研院所太阳能项目研究、太阳能LED路灯示范工程等。

    Our company have undertaken many areas of solar power construction , solar low carbon residential construction , research institutes solar research projects , solar LED lamp demonstration engineering .

  9. 利用SWOT分析法考察农业科研院所的优势、劣势、挑战和机遇。

    SWOT approach was used to analyze the superiority , shortage , challenge and opportunity for the academies and institutes of Agricultural Sciences .

  10. 伴随着信息化进程的推进及电子政务系统在我国的实施,办公自动化系统OA(OfficeAutomation)已经被国家行政机关、高校、科研院所广泛采用。

    With the development of information and the implement of electronic government affair system in our country , office automation system has been widely adopted by department , university and scientific research academy .

  11. 几乎各个政府部门、公司、院校、科研院所都建立了自己的网站,并连接到Internet上,以通过网页树立公众形象、开展业务及传播信息。

    Almost every governments 、 enterprises 、 colleges , scientific research academies have established their own websites which are connected to Internet in order to set a good public example , develop the bussiness 、 spread their information through the web pages .

  12. 本论文所研究的课题是上海船舶运输科学研究所承接的科技部科研院所技术开发研究专项资金项目《集成平台管理系统》(IntegratedplatformManagementSystem,IPMS)的一个子课题。

    This paper is originated from " Integrated Platform Management System " ( IPMS ) carried on by Shanghai Ship & Shipping Research Institute , supported by special fund for research institutes supplied by the Ministry of Science and Technology .

  13. 国内外诸多高等院校、科研院所也纷纷将GIS教育作为信息社会人才培养的重要方面,具有GIS基本知识与技能成为21世纪社会人才需求的一个重要方向。

    In both China and foreign countries , GIS education has become an important part in cultivating persons for modern society in many universities and institutes . GIS has become an essential demand for talented persons in the 21st century .

  14. 最后从科学、合理的薪酬福利制度、充满人性化的精神激励和助推个人价值体现的成长激励三个方面,对重庆市X科研院所科技人才激励进行了完善设计。

    Finally the thesis designs perfect incentive strategy for scientific talents in Chongqing X scientific research institutes from the aspects of scientific and reasonable salary and welfare system 、 humanized mental motivation and development incentive which boosts the realization of self value .

  15. YL乳业借助于自身雄厚的产业基础以及与高等院校和科研院所多年的合作关系,建立了博士后流动站。

    YL Dairy has established its own post-doctoral workstations according to its strengthen industry foundations and corporative relationship with several universities and relevant research institutes .

  16. 其次,探讨了外部环境扫描方案和利用EFE矩阵法对科研院所企业化转制外部环境进行定量评价的方案;

    Secondly , the scheme scanning exterior environment and the scheme evaluating quantitatively exterior environment of institutes ' transformation with EFE matrix method are discussed ;

  17. 在TD自主研发成为国际主流标准以及后续发展产业化的过程中,政府、企业和科研院所投入了大量资源和精力。

    During Independent R & D in TD for becoming the development of mainstream international standards and follow-up process of industrialization , the government , enterprises and research institutes are devoting substantial resources and effort .

  18. 德国默克(MERCK)公司制造的COD测定仪在我国环保行业、科研院所的水质监测工作中应用广泛,但配套测试剂价格昂贵,限制了该仪器的使用。

    The COD testing instrument manufactured by MERCK in Germany are used widely for water quality monitoring in many environmental protection industries and research institutes of China . But the high price of the agent kits limits its usage .

  19. 公司凭借自己独特的专业技术团体,依托国家重点大学,科研院所雄厚的技术资源,相继开发出XXXX系列产品。

    Relying on our R & D group working with the rich technical resources from the fine national universities , our company has launched XXXX series of products successfully .

  20. 利用ESI作为原始数据来源,对世界大学和科研院所的科研竞争力进行科学的评价,得到《世界大学科研竞争力排行榜》和《世界科研机构学科竞争力排行榜》。

    Recently , we did a scientific and objective evaluation on world universities and research institutions , using ESI as an original data . As a result , two reports Ranking of Research Abilities of World Universities and Ranking of Competition Abilities of Disciplines of World Scientific Organizations came out .

  21. 加强无形资产管理,建立现代科研院所体制

    Improving Invisible Asset Management and Establishing Modern Science Research Institutes System

  22. 地市级农业科研院所人才队伍建设探析

    Exploration into Talent Team Construction of Prefecture Agricultural Scientific Research Institutions

  23. 科研院所职能管理部门模糊综合评价模型

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment Model of Scientific Research Institutes ' Administrative Department

  24. 航空科研院所拓展民品市场的方法

    Some Ideas on Developing Civil Products Market for Aeronautical Research Institute

  25. 农业科研院所图书馆发展思路与初步实践

    Development Ponderation and Preliminary Practice on Libraries of Agricultural Research Institutions

  26. 定标比超在提高高校科研院所竞争力的研究

    Application of Benchmarking in Improving the Competitiveness of Scientific Research Institutions

  27. 随着科技体制的改革,科研院所要从事业单位转化为企业化管理,财务部门如何适应这一重大的改革,文章提出了相应的改革对策。

    The paper discussed relative countermeasure on financial department system reform .

  28. 加强科研院所商业秘密保护的探讨

    Discussion on enhancement of protection of research institutes ' commercial secrets

  29. 科研院所技术创新能力的模糊综合评判

    Science and Technology Creation Capability of Institutes and Their Fuzzy Evaluation

  30. 科研院所技术创新能力评价指标体系研究

    Study on Evaluation Index System of Research Institutions ' Technology Innovation Ability