
  1. 张仲景跟同郡张伯祖学医,还学习以前的医学文献,同时还从别的地方收集到很多处方,最后写成医学名著《伤寒杂病论》。

    He learned medicine by studying from his townsfellow Zhang Bozu , assimilating from previous medicinal literature , and collecting many prescriptions elsewhere , finally writing the medical masterpiece Shanghan Zabing Lun .

  2. 官方刻书除一小部分由中央机关刻印外,大部分都是由各机关辗转下达各路儒学、书院、郡庠、郡学、儒司等刊印。

    The most of the official and carved books are printed from various institutions to each group Confucianism , the academy , the prefectural schools , the county study , and the Confucian besides a small part by the Central government agencies .