
  1. 全国唯一保存完整的郡府级衙门,始建于元朝。

    The only one ancient county government saved so completely , which was built in Yuan dynasty .

  2. 地方行政编制分州、县两级,在特殊的政治中心和军事国防要地有时也设郡、府。

    Local governments were split into two levels , i. e. , prefectures and counties . Prefectures were also set up in strategic political centers and military places .

  3. 安陆人杰地灵,是楚文化的发祥地,是历史上郧子国,安陆郡、德安府所在地。

    Anlu old times , is the birthplace of Chu culture , history , Yun-State , County Anlu , Dean House seat .