
  • 网络Radio beijing
  1. 北京电台将在10点钟广播这条重要新闻。

    Radio Beijing will broadcast the important news at 10 o'clock .

  2. 北京电台每天早晨6点30分广播新闻。

    Radio Beijing broadcasts the news at 6:30 every morning .

  3. 北京电台以十几种不同的频率进行广播。

    Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies .

  4. 为什么不把你所有的朋友都带到北京电台来呢?

    Why not bring all your friends for a visit to Radio Beijing ?

  5. 他们每天听北京电台(对外广播)。

    They listen to Radio Beijing every day .

  6. 一下车我们就听到了北京电台播送的《国际歌》。

    Getting out of the car , we heard the Internationale being transmitted from Radio Beijing .

  7. 广东电台的“珠江”模式、上海电台的“东广”模式和北京电台的专业化模式,已成为中国广播业创新发展的范本。

    In China , Guangdong Radio Station and Shanghai and Beijing Radio Station have developed their own ways and thus become models in the innovative development of this kind .

  8. 北京广播电台在报告本次播音结束,到今晚八时再播。

    Radio Beijing is signing off until eight o'clock this evening .

  9. 北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。

    Radio Beijing sends the news over the world .

  10. 我给北京广播电台写了一封信,问盲校的地址。

    I wrote a letter to Radio Beijing and asked for the address .

  11. 我们是通过北京广播电台得知此事的。

    We learned of the event through radio beijing .

  12. 我们衷心感谢你带我们参观北京广播电台。

    We 'd like to thank you for taking us around Radio beijing .

  13. 他正在收听北京广播电台的广播。

    He is listening in to radio beijing .

  14. 你现在收听的是北京广播电台的广播。

    You are listening to Radio Beijing .

  15. 研究新媒体的发展策略,对北京外语电台充分发掘自身优势,增强核心竞争力,探索可行的盈利模式,具有十分突出的现实意义。

    Of new media development strategy , the Beijing Foreign Language Radio fully exploit their own advantages , strengthen the core competitiveness , exploring viable profit model , with very prominent practical significance .

  16. 昨夜北京人民广播电台预告台风快要来临。

    Last night the Beijing People 's Broadcasting Station announced that a typhoon was approaching .