
  • 网络Beijing Road;Peking Road
  1. 基于期望差异模型的RBD顾客满意度研究&以广州市北京路步行商业区为例

    A Conceptual Model of Expectancy Disparity Theory : A Case Study on Visitors ' Satisfaction of Beijing Road Business District in Guangzhou

  2. 知道。沿着北京路一直往前走,然后右转。

    Yes , go straight along Beijing Road and turn right .

  3. 多重耦合:北京路商业步行街区城市设计研究

    Multi-integration : urban design study of Beijing Road commercial pedestrian District

  4. 彼得:几号地铁线去北京路?

    Peter : Which subway line goes to Beijing Lu ?

  5. 北京路是个购物的好地方。

    Beijing Road is a good place for shopping .

  6. 让我高兴的是,北京路的衣服正在大减价。

    To my delight , there 's a sale on clothes on Beijing Road .

  7. 目前该品牌在北京路的广百百货设有专柜。

    M.A.C currently runs a counter in Grandbuy Beijing Road Department Store in Guangzhou .

  8. 我祖父母住在北京路105号。

    My grandparents live at105 Beijing Road .

  9. 城市商店名称演变的跟踪研究&以广州市北京路为例

    The Tracking Study of the Changes of Shop Names & an Example of Beijing Road , Canton

  10. 这个老板择日为在北京路附近的新餐厅举行开张庆典。

    This boss carefully selected this day to celebrate the big opening of his new restaurant close to Beijing Road .

  11. 北京路大桥钢箱梁吊装施工研究自锚式悬索桥钢筋混凝土主梁施工

    The Construction Study of Beijing Road Bridge Steel Stiffening Girder Suspending Phase Construction of Reinforced Concrete Stiffening Girder of Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge

  12. 这张照片是春节期间在北京路拍的,当时每个商铺前都挂着国旗。

    This photo was taken in Beijing Road during the Spring Festival and every shop has one national flag in front it .

  13. 本文运用期望差异模型对北京路步行商业区的顾客满意度进行了研究。

    The paper gives an examination of the tourists ' satisfaction degree on Beijing Road Business district based on expectancy disparity model .

  14. 其它项目包括广州之住宅项目&东风广场;位于广州公园前地铁站上盖(邻近北京路)之五月花商业广场。

    Other projects in Guangzhou : a residential development-Eastern Place , and May Flower Plaza-adjacent to Beijing Road and atop the Guangzhou Gongyuanqian subway station .

  15. 北京路、中山五路一带逐步成为广州市最繁华的一个商贸中心和古城文化旅游区;

    Beijing Road , Zhongshan Rd area will gradually become the most prosperous Guangzhou City , a business centre and the ancient city of cultural tourism ;

  16. 贵州饭店是贵州省最大的具有国际四星级标准的涉外饭店,座落于贵阳市繁华的北京路,环境幽雅,交通方便。

    Guizhou park Hotel , located at Beijing Road in Guiyang city with quiet environment and convenient communication , is the biggest four star international standard joint-venture in Guizhou .

  17. 北京路很堵是个不争的究竟,那跟城市的快捷发展带来的成绩,但也不成否定与局部司机不野蛮行车有很大的相关。

    Beijing Lu very block is an indisputable fact that , with the city 's rapid development will bring results , but it is undeniable with some great drivers uncivilized traffic .

  18. 第二部分主要对广州市零售商业地产发展现状及空间布局,结合北京路光明广场项目进行实证研究。

    The second part analyzes the present condition and space distribution of GuangZhou retail type business real estate development . Give a substantial evidence research on the Peking road GuangMing square project .

  19. 研究发现,总体上顾客对北京路步行街的感知实绩低于期望,对北京路购物功能的满意度较高,娱乐休闲满意度稍逊。

    The study finds that the overall tourists ' perceived performance is lower than expectancy and the tourists ' satisfaction degree on shopping function is higher than that on recreation and leisure .

  20. 广州近代4个商业中心,有3个在越秀区内,即北京路,中山五路、解放中四牌楼、长提&人民南路。

    Guangzhou Modern four commercial centres , three in the Yuexiu district , namely Beijing Road , Zhongshan Rd , the liberation of four ceremonial arches , long mentioned-the people of South Road .

  21. 城市中心绝无仅有的商业高地,国际级商业综合体。名盛广场,北京路顶级商业从未企及的新高度。

    As a business highland in the heart of the city and a world-level business complex , Mingsing Plaza reaches a new height for top business that has never been reached on Beijing Road .

  22. 北京玉泉路地区晚发性佝偻病调查

    An Investigation of Delayed Rickets at Yuquan Road District in Beijing

  23. 她住在中国北京正义路。

    She lives in Zhengyi Road , Beijing , China .

  24. 北京魔法路魔法屋56号。

    56 Magic House , Magic Road , Beijing .

  25. 用该监测器在一年的时间内连续测量了北京玉泉路地区的天然中子本底的剂量水平,给出了年平均剂量当量值。

    This monitor has been used for natural background measurement in Beijing area dur-ing passed year .

  26. 她乘坐火车一路北上,从杭州、北京一路辗转到达长春,留在那里从事教学。

    Her travels took her up to Hangzhou , Beijing and on to Changchun where she taught English .

  27. 豪士卡的北京之路世界一流的机场救援、消防和除雪设备登陆中国的历程

    From Oshkosh to Beijing : How the World 's Premier Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting and Snow Removal Vehicles Made Their Way To China

  28. 本论文研制的电动汽车绝缘性能检测装置完成了实验室的调试实验,并在北京121路示范运营电动公交车上进行了安装实验,各项实验数据均达到了课题合同的要求,运行状况平稳可靠。

    Commissioning of electric vehicle insulation detecting equipment was finished in laboratory , and installed on Beijing electric bus No. 121 , relevant experiment data all meet with requirement stipulated in contract .

  29. 北京南中轴路BRT是我国第一个真正意义上的快速公交系统,对我国BRT建设能够起到示范和引导作用。

    The south-center liner of Beijing is the first BRT in China . It will play an important role in BRT constructing in China .

  30. 介绍北京通惠河北路道路立交中的Z3、Z4匝道桥钢箱梁的构造、设计和施工特点。

    The structural formation , design and construction features of the steel box girders for Ramp Bridges Z3 and Z4 of Tonghuihe North Road Highway Interchange in Beijing are described .