
  1. 华北地台东部中寒武世张夏期附枝藻(Epiphyton)灰岩及古地理辽东复州湾中石炭世地层兼论华北地台中石炭统的划分

    Epiphyton boundstone and palaeogeography of the Middle Cambrian Zhangxia formation in the east of North China Platform

  2. 文章对复州皮影的历史概况进行梳理,分析了复州皮影的价值;

    This article reviews the history of Fuzhou shadow puppet , analyzes its value ;

  3. 复州牛成年母牛体重与体尺指标的相关与回归分析

    Correlation and Regression Analysis of Body Weight and Body Sizes in Cows of Fuzhou Cattle

  4. 基于循环经济的复州湾盐场产业升级研究

    Research of Industrial Upgrading for FuZhou Gulf Salt Field Based on the Principle of Cyclic Economy

  5. 数字化评价系统是复州皮影保护、再生系统的必要补充。

    The digital evaluation system is a necessary complement to protect regeneration system by Fuzhou Shadow Play .

  6. 本文即以复州皮影为例,探讨如何运用数字技术对非物质文化遗产进行保护、再生研究,使其摆脱灭绝的威胁,得到更好的发展传承。

    This paper takes Fuzhou Shadow Play as one example , discussing how to use digital technology to protect intangible cultural heritage as well as regeneration research . In this way , we try to make it get rid of the threat of extinction and acquire development better .

  7. 佐治亚靠本州的百姓管理自己的局面已不复存在,这个州已陷于瘫痪,于是冒险家便蜂拥而来。

    Government of Georgia by its own citizens was dead , the state was helpless and the adventurers were swarming in .