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  • 网络Beiqing;Bukcheong;northblue;PukchinTarigol;Pukch'ong
  1. 根据北青网的一项投票调查,超过三分之一的人希望这个消息是假的,期望这对恩爱夫妻仍然在一起。

    According to a poll by ynet . com , over a third of those surveyed hope that the news is false and that the lovable couple are still together .

  2. 北青龙衣是野生山核桃未成熟的外果皮,是我国传统的民间用药,在《开宝本草》及《本草纲目》中均有记载。

    Bei Qinglongyi , the immature wild pecan epicarp , is a traditional kind of Chinese folk medicine , adopted in the record of " Kai Bao Ben Cao " and " Ben Cao Gang Mu " .