
guī tóu
  • balanus;glans penis;balmony
龟头 [guī tóu]
  • [glans penis] 阴茎前端膨大的部分

龟头[guī tóu]
  1. 龟头疣状黄瘤1例

    A Case of Verruciform Xanthoma of Balanus

  2. 组织病理:高分化鳞癌(龟头皮损);

    Histopathology : well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma ( lesions at glans penis );

  3. V形皮瓣龟头成形术在尿道下裂治疗中的应用

    V-Shape Flap Glanuloplasty for the Treatment of Hypospadias

  4. 结论:V形皮瓣龟头成形术是一种防止尿道重建后尿道外口狭窄的有效方法。

    CONLUSION : V-shape glans flap glanuloplasty is a good technique valuable to be used in complete reconstruction of the urethra with meatus at the tip of the penis .

  5. 结论:MEBO外用治疗包皮龟头粘连分离术后创面,疗效可靠而显著。

    Conclusion : MEBO is very efficacious and reliable in treating wounds after exclusion of ped - iatric prepuce penis adhesion .

  6. 目的探讨特比萘芬(Terbinafine)联合派瑞松霜(PevisoneCream)治疗念珠菌性包皮龟头炎的临床疗效及安全性。

    Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of Terbinafine and Pevisone Cream in the Treatment of Candidal Balanoposthitis .

  7. 1例69岁男性患者患包皮龟头炎10天,无潜在性疾病。

    A 69-year-old man developed balanoposthitis fot 10 days without underlying disorders .

  8. 联苯苄唑凝胶治疗念珠菌性包皮龟头炎临床观察

    Clinical observation on the effect of Bifonazole on monilial balanoposthitis

  9. 龟头发紫龟头边缘上还有些白色的小颗粒

    The edge of purple glans penis is also some small white particles

  10. 氟康唑治疗念珠菌性龟头包皮炎53例疗效观察

    Treatment of fluconazole on 53 cases with candidal balanoposthitis

  11. 男性生殖器尖锐湿疣复发与念珠菌性龟头炎发病相关性的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of the Relationship between Male Condyloma Acuminatum Recurring and Candidal Balanitis

  12. 方法:31例儿童包皮龟头粘连分离术后刨面局部外用湿润烧伤膏。

    Method : 31 cases of this disease were treated locally with MEBO .

  13. 茄病镰刀菌引起包皮龟头炎1例报告

    A case of balanoposthitis caused by Fusarium solani

  14. 派瑞松霜治疗念珠菌性包皮龟头炎疗效观察

    Observation of Therapeutic Effect of Pevisone Cream in the Treatment of Patients with Candidal Balanitis

  15. 念珠菌性龟头炎和外阴炎是老年糖尿病患者的主要症状。

    Glans of beads bacterium sex is phlogistic with vulvitis beSenileDiabeticMain symptom of the patient .

  16. Nd:YAG激光治疗龟头血管瘤临床体会

    The Treatment of Hemangioma of Glans Penis by Nd : YAG Laser - Clinical Report

  17. 他只是集中在茎部,还是包括龟头和睾丸?

    He is only concentrates in the stem department , includes the glans and the testicle ?

  18. 曲安奈德益康唑乳膏联合1%联苯苄唑乳膏治疗念珠菌性包皮龟头炎

    Therapeutic Effect of 1 % Bifonazole Cream and Triamcinolone Acetonide and Econazole Cream on Candidal Balanoposthitis

  19. 某学院51例白色念珠菌龟头炎患者的治疗及病因分析

    Analysis on the treatment and causes of 51 white rosary fungus balanitis patients in a college

  20. 患者男,44岁。龟头冠状沟2行带状排列的皮色丘疹10年,大部分丘疹呈珍珠状,少数丘疹呈丝状疣样,长度>0.7cm。

    A male patient presented with 2 rows of asymptomatic papules along the coronal margin for 10 years .

  21. 结果所有3例患者均以龟头形态异常就诊,囊肿均位于尿道外口旁。

    Result All3 cases had similar findings of abnormal glans shape , and the cysts were located in the parameatus .

  22. 结论:预防念珠菌性龟头包皮炎发生的重点应以采取安全的性行为、合理使用抗生素以降低诱发因素为主要措施。

    Conclusion : In order to reduce the incidence of CBP safe coition and reasonable administration of antibiotics should be emphasized .

  23. 一段时间以前,我拜访了一个从印度回来的官员,这个官员在一次事故中失去了他整个龟头部分。

    Some time ago I attended an officer on his return from India , who had lost the whole of his glans penis .

  24. 目的:了解引起男性念珠菌性龟头炎的主要致病菌种,及念珠菌病原菌对常用抗真菌药物的敏感性。

    Objective : To evaluate the main pathogens causing male candidal balanitis and to measure the sensitivity and resistance of pathogenic yeasts to antifungal agents .

  25. 龟头花几种产于北美洲的龟花属的多年生草木植物的一种,尤指龟头花,花冠呈白色或粉红色,下部呈披针形。

    Any of several perennial North American herbs of the genus Chelone , especially C.glabra , having a white or pink bilabiate corolla with a bearded lower lip .

  26. 就算医疗事故的风险微乎其微,比起没有龟头,我还是更愿意教我儿子怎么洗包皮。

    I would rather teach my son to wash under his foreskin than assume even the tiniest risk of him losing the head of his penis in a botched circumcision .

  27. 自恋是百分之百的安全:它不会影响你的龟头的结构或形状,也不会影响你的生殖能力,也不会阻止你的发育或导致睾丸癌。

    Self-love is completely safe ; it does not affect the structure or shape of your penis nor your reproductive potential , nor does it stunt your growth or lead to testicular cancer .