
  1. 那天晚上,吴家人尽情享用龟肉。

    That evening , the Wus were enjoying the turtle meat .

  2. 海水养殖龟肉制品抗氧化防腐技术研究

    Study on antioxidant technology on products of marine cultured fish

  3. 在听闻抓住一只罕见海龟的消息后,人群很快聚拢了过来并抢购龟肉,他们认为这是一种难得的美味。

    Upon hearing news of the rare catch , a crowd soon swarmed to buy a piece of what is considered a regional delicacy .

  4. 龟蛋和龟肉都是当地人们的食物。

    Both the eggs and flesh are eaten by the local people .

  5. 现代中医药学研究表明,龟类有较大的药用价值,龟肉、龟甲、龟血、龟胆汁甚至龟尿都可以入药。

    The modern Chinese medicine pharmacy research expresses turtles contain big value of medical function , Turtle 's meat , tortoiseshell , turtle blood , turtle gall and turtle urine can go into the medicine .