
  • 网络Process-oriented;Process orientation;procedure oriented;procedure-oriented
  1. 软件过程的OPEN描述与面向过程的CASE环境

    Software Process Description OPEN and Environment of Process-Oriented CASE

  2. 给出了多Agent的并行思智算法,同时针对应用领域,提出了面向过程的Agent并行思智算法和面向任务的A-gent并行思智算法,通过实例对所提出的算法进行了验证。

    In this paper , the authors propose parallel mental algorithm of Multi-Agent . According to application fields , they give process-oriented and task-oriented of parallel mental algorithm of Multi-Agent .

  3. 面向过程的C语言和面向对象的C++语言中都引用了指针的概念。

    Process oriented C ( The complete Reference C ) and object oriented C + + introduce on important concept : pointer .

  4. 基于Multi-Agent的面向过程混杂系统的集成技术

    Process-Oriented Hybrid System Integrated Framework Based on Multi-Agent

  5. 阐明了智能体网格AgentGrid体系结构能为SBA提供一个结构化的面向过程的技术平台。

    It is pointed out that Agent Grid can offer a structural and process oriented technological platform for SBA .

  6. OpenSSL在面向过程思想指导下,采用纯C语言编写的。

    Because was wrote by standard C language under procedure - orient thinking , it has a lot of defects .

  7. 基金会现场总线(FF)是众多现场总线中,在面向过程控制领域中最为先进的现场总线标准。

    Foundation field bus ( FF ) is the most advanced standard about process control .

  8. 基于活动的作业成本计算理论(ABC-Ac鄄tivity-basedCosting)与供应链管理有极其相似性的原理-面向过程的绩效管理与优化。

    The principle of activity Based Costing ( ABC ) is very similar to supply chain management-performance evaluation and optimization orientating to process .

  9. 运用C语言这样的面向过程语言进行程序设计时,传统上是使用结构化的分析设计方法,但是能否在C语言开发中运用面向对象的思想进行设计却是一个值得探索的问题。

    When programming with procedure-oriented language like C , traditionally , the structure analysis and design method is usually used . But , it is worthy of exploring how to combine with Object-oriented ( OO ) thinking in programming in C.

  10. 指出现代CAPP是一个基于Internet、支持工艺同步协作的工艺工作流管理系统,并提出了CAPP面向过程多层次协同模型以及协同CAPP系统功能模型。

    Contemporary CAPP is a process workflow management system based on internet and supporting synchronous cooperative process planning . The dissertation puts forward the process-oriented multilayer collaborative CAPP model and collaborative CAPP function model .

  11. 同时也实现了BREW体系结构提出的用面向过程的语言(C语言)实现面向对象的开发方法和运行时的内存保护机制。

    Meanwhile , the system realized the mechanism of developing with a procedure-oriented language ( the C language ) to realize the object-oriented method and the mechanism of protecting memory access in runtime .

  12. 软件的体系结构从此逐步的从面向过程的数据流图向面向对象的UML模型,从面向构件向面向模式发展,软件工程作为一个专业的研究领域已经取得了飞速的发展。

    Software architecture from the gradual process from the data flow diagram for the object-oriented UML model for the model from the development of component-oriented , software engineering field as a professional has made rapid development .

  13. 软件开发已经从面向过程方式的编程逐步转化为面向对象方式,但关系模式的确定仍是MIS系统开发所面临的最关键的、具有普遍意义的问题之一。

    Software development method has been changed from procedure oriented to object oriented , but the design of relational database schema is one of the most pivotal and universal problems in the development of MIS .

  14. 用户在系统分析人员建立的业务过程模型的基础上,利用APL对过程进行描述,然后在JADE上启动多Agent系统,从而实现在集成框架中的面向过程集成。

    Therefore , business process integration is implemented in our framework by the means of describing the process based on the model built by business analyst and then starting the Multi-Agent system on the JADE platform .

  15. 在此基础上,提出了面向过程管理的过程绩效评价系统(PPMS),对PPMS的概念、体系结构、形成步骤及其对过程管理的有效支持等进行了深入的研究和探讨。

    Process management - oriented PPMS is proposed . The definition , architecture , composing steps of PPMS and its support on process management are analyzed deeply .

  16. 通过对面向对象方法与面向过程方法开发的数据库应用系统的分析和比较,讨论了VFP中的几种OOP方法及OOP在数据库系统中的应用。

    Studies on several methods of OPP in VFP as well as the application of OPP to databases system are made by way of analysis and comparison between object oriented programming and procedure oriented programming for management system .

  17. 把ABC理论用于ERP系统,能使ERP系统各子系统紧密地联系在一起,形成面向过程的生产组织管理方式,有利于分析企业价值链变化情况,有利于业务流程的改造与优化。

    The research result shows that ABC can make the subsystems of ERP closely combination in a whole , form a process orientated production management mode , and in favor of the analysis of value chain change , further to help the optimization and reengineering of business process .

  18. 面向过程的设备维修实施时间的确定方法

    How to Determine the Time of Performing the Process-oriented Equipment Maintenance

  19. 面向过程的管理信息系统开发方法研究

    Research on a Process Oriented Development Method for Management Information Systems

  20. 一套面向过程工业的先进控制软件包及其应用

    An APC Suite for the Process Industry and Its Application

  21. 钢铁企业面向过程成本控制模型与支持软件的研究

    Process Cost Controlling Oriented Model Supporting Software in Iron and Steel Corporation

  22. 面向过程协同的快速动员制造排程技术快速下降的滑雪运动员

    Production Scheduling Techniques for Process Cooperation Oriented Mobilized Collaborative Manufacturing

  23. 从面向过程程序设计到面向对象技术

    From the Design of Procedure-Oriented programming to the Technology of Object-Oriented Programming

  24. TJGS:基于编译和排序的面向过程的逻辑模拟系统

    TJGS : A Process-Oriented Logic Simulation System Based on Compiler and Sort

  25. 面向过程能力的供应商质量风险评估研究

    Research on Supplier Quality Venture Evaluation Based on Process Capability

  26. 面向过程程序中变量的封装

    The Encapsulation of Variables in Procedure - Oriented Programs

  27. 面向过程控制的一种新技术&OPC数据访问标准

    A New Process-control-oriented Technology - OPC Data Access Standard

  28. 面向过程的车辆装备维修保障组织建模研究

    Research on Process-oriented Organizational Modeling and Its Application in Vehicle Equipment Maintenance Support

  29. 面向过程的编译和解释环境在工控组态软件系统中的应用

    The Application of Process faced Compiler and Interpreter in Industry Control Configuration Software

  30. 面向过程管理的过程诊断理论及辅助软件系统研究

    A Study on Process Diagnosis Theory with Support Software System for Process Management