
  • 网络Holy Grail;ZXC;bet on it;ventose;Limit Break
  1. 纽约市比森咨询公司(BeesonConsulting)的负责人比森曾写过一本书《潜规则:升值六大必杀技》(TheUnwrittenRules:TheSixSkillsYouNeedtoGetPromotedtotheExecutiveLevel),值得一读。

    Beeson , who is head of New York City-based Beeson Consulting , wrote a book you might want to check out called The Unwritten Rules : The Six Skills You Need to Get Promoted to the Executive Level .

  2. 我今天可是有七种不同的必杀技。

    Where I 'm throwing seven different kinds of smoke .

  3. 游戏角色各怀绝技,效果各异威力超强的必杀技让玩家大呼过瘾;

    Face stunt game character , with varying results nirvana super power players hooked ;

  4. 就个人而言,我要我的安全舒适的生活的机会必杀技。

    Personally , I 'll take the security of my cozy life over a chance at nirvana .

  5. 在现今世界上,一个人要成功,最重要的必杀技是?

    What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today ?

  6. 这一幕正巧被东施给看到,觉得她的必杀技也可以让路人臣服。

    The scene had been seen by dung shr ; and she thought that she could do that , too .

  7. 超能卡:可以使用神奇必杀技,用伟大的超能力来攻击敌人的卡片。

    Super cards : You can use the magic nirvana , with a great ability to attack the enemy over the card .

  8. 游戏中只要通过鼠标就能放出很多种类的格斗技,游戏中还有必杀技!

    So long as can emit a lot of grapple skills of kind in the game through the mouse , must kill the skill in the game !

  9. “合法黑客”必杀技不管你是拥有深厚IT背景的老枪,还是初入江湖的菜鸟,进入网络安全这一行的途径多种多样,每条道路需要的技能组合也各不相同。

    Whether you have a prior IT background or are only just entering the work force , ways to get into cyber security are diversifying alongside its skillsets .

  10. 他们都希望能提升自己的关键技能&或者所谓的“必杀技”,但同时也包括产品设计、市场营销、文案、天使投资指南,以及其他一些重要的商务主题。

    Yet all are eager to hone their critical skills & " closing tactics " in this case , but also product design , marketing , copywriting , a guide to angel investing and other crucial business topics .