
  1. clear属性表明了一个元素的框的哪一侧或哪些侧不必与之前的浮动框相邻。

    The clear property indicates which side or sides of an element 's box may not be adjacent to an earlier float box .

  2. DAO模式可以保护应用程序,使之不必与特定持久性方法捆绑在一起。

    The DAO pattern protects your application from being tied to a particular persistence approach .

  3. 但是一个重要的差异是,在DB2中,模式名称不必与一个用户id相匹配。

    An important difference , however , is that in DB2 , a schema name does not have to match to a user id.

  4. CF连同高效传输层允许DB2pureScaleFeature轻松扩展,因为在执行任务时每个成员不必与所有其他成员协商。

    The CF , along with the efficient transport layer , allows the DB2 pureScale Feature to scale easily because each member does not have to negotiate with all other members when performing a task .

  5. 之所以选择映射到CMIS对象类型的显示名而不是ID,其原因是ID不必与显示名完全相同。

    The reason I chose to map to the CMIS object type 's display name and not the ID is that the ID does not have to be exactly the same as the display name .

  6. WSDL中绑定的每一个操作都会关联一个soapAction属性,而且它的值不必与操作名相同&它可以是任意的URI。

    The soapAction attribute is associated with each operation binding in the WSDL and its value is not necessarily the same as the operation name & it can be any URI .

  7. BRM系统的思想是为业务用户提供对业务逻辑更改的完全控制,而不必与IT人员协作。

    The idea behind BRM systems was to give business users complete control over changing the business logic without having to work with IT personnel .

  8. 事实上,用于生成强名称签名的密钥不必与用于生成authenticode签名的密钥相同。

    In fact , the keys used to generate the strong name signature do not have to be the same keys used to generate an Authenticode signature .

  9. LVET、PEP、MST与心率有非常显著的负相关,其余与心率相关较小或不相关,不必与心率校正。

    The LVET 、 PEP and MST are significantly negatively correlated to the heart rate . The rest parameters are related remotely or not to the heart rate , therefore their calibration by the heart rate is not necessary .

  10. 我不必与人竞争。

    I don 't feel the need to compete with anybody .

  11. 人之所望,天必与之――惟有已经借出去的书本不在此列。

    Everything comes to him who waits except a loaned book .

  12. 要紧靠神,祂是信实的,必与你一起经历试炼。

    He is faithful and will stand with you through the test .

  13. 一七之内,他必与许多人坚定盟约。

    He will confirm a covenant with many for one'seven .

  14. 善行未必与伟大为伍,但是伟大必与善行有关。

    Goodness are not tied to greatness , but greatness to goodness .

  15. 这些名称不必与数据库的列名称匹配。

    They do not have to match the database 's column names .

  16. 寄居的必与他们联合,紧贴雅各家。

    Aliens will join them and unite with the house of jacob .

  17. 你不必与不诚实的和残忍的人。

    You didn 't have to do with dishonest and cruel people .

  18. 你从水中经过,我必与你同在。

    When you pass through the waters , I will be with you ;

  19. 你的生活将因没有悲伤而变得美好,也不必与敌人进行无畏的斗争。

    Your life easier without woes , Not having to fight with your foes .

  20. 扫罗对大卫说:“你可以去吧。耶和华必与你同在。”

    Saul said to David ," Go , and the LORD be with you . "

  21. 神使我喜笑,凡听见的必与我一同喜笑。

    God has brought me laughter , and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me .

  22. 但每个程序提供者所提供的功能可能不必与其它提供的功能相匹配。

    The functionality provided by each provider , however , may not necessarily match functionality provided by others .

  23. 我深信上帝必与我同在,若我把耶稣当作我唯一的救主。

    I am quite sure that God is with me if Jesus is my sole and only Savior .

  24. 如果他留意天使的指示,上帝的灵就必与他同在了。

    And the Spirit of God would be with him if he heeded the instruction of the angel .

  25. 所有这些实体都与事务管理器进行交互,于是应用程序代码就不必与之交互了。

    All of these entities interact with the transaction manager so that your application code doesn 't have to .

  26. 喜爱清心的人,因他嘴上的恩言,王必与他为友。

    He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend .

  27. 不必与那些并不真心待你的人浪费自己的生命。

    You don 't have to spend the rest of your life with people who don 't treasure you !

  28. 今后你遇到人想同你辩论恩典与行为问题,不必与人反复纠缠,没有结果。

    When people argue with you over grace and works , don 't debate back and forth and get nowhere .

  29. 我要指明你的公义。至于你所行的,都必与你无益。

    I will make clear what your righteousness is like and your works ; you will have no profit in them .

  30. 耐心等候上帝,让这句话赋于新的意义,并经历上帝以祂信实所保证的应许:「我必与你同在。」

    " Wait patiently , and He will speak in divine power : " Lo , I am with you alway .