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  • phosphomolybdic acid
  1. 具有Keggin型结构的磷钼酸(PMA)是一种高效的杂多酸催化剂,因其具有特殊的催化性能,近年来受到广泛关注。

    There has been extensive concern in recent years for phosphomolybdic acid ( PMA ) with Keggin structure as an efficient heteropoly acid catalyst due to its special catalytic performance .

  2. 过渡金属取代磷钼酸修饰铂电极的电化学行为

    Electrochemical Behavior of Transition Metal Substituted Phosphomolybdic Acid Modified Platinum Electrode

  3. 首先,采用浸渍法制备了以Hβ为载体的不同负载量的磷钼酸催化剂。

    Prepare the catalyst by impregnation with different mass of phosphomolybdate , carrying on H β .

  4. 利用XRD、IR、DSC和TG对所制备的磷钼酸铵进行了表征,为磷钼酸铵的应用提供了理论基础。

    To provide basic data for application of ammonium phosphomolybdate , it is characterised by means of XRD , IR , DSC and TG .

  5. 二苯基碳酰二肼还原-磷钼酸铵-孔雀绿-TritonX-100体系的研究及其应用

    Study on Phosphorus-Ammonium Molybdate-Malachite Green-Triton X-100 System With Diphenylcarbazide as Reductant and Its Application

  6. 用磷酸锆-磷钼酸铵复合交换剂从动力堆元件废液中提取~(137)Cs的研究

    Studies on recovery of ~ ( 137 ) cs from waste solution of power reactor fuels with zirconium phosphate & ammonium phosphomolybdate complex inorganic ion exchanger

  7. Dawson型钒代磷钼酸在酮/醇缩合中的催化性能

    Catalytic Performance of Vanadium Substituted Dawson Type Molybdophosphoric Acid in Condensation of Acetophenone with Alcohol

  8. 微胶囊包覆磷钼酸铵的制备、表征及在UPR中的阻燃抑烟性能研究

    Preparation and Characterization of Ammonium Molybdophosphate Coated by Microcapsule and Flame Retardancy and Smoke Suppression of Its Composites with UPR

  9. 水合二氧化钛磷钼酸铵(HTOAMP)球形复合无机离子交换剂在一定条件下具有对Cs+和Sr2+同时交换的性能。

    Spherical hydrated titanium dioxide ammonium molybdophosphate ( HTO AMP ) can adsorb Cs + and Sr 2 + simultaneously in definite conditions .

  10. 通过电化学方法分别合成邻苯二酚(CC)、间苯二酚(AC)、HQ、OAP、磷钼酸(PMO12)聚合膜,并制备了相应的纳米铂修饰玻碳电极(PtNP/GCE)。

    By electrochemical synthesis of polymer films of catechol , resorcinol , HQ , OAP , and phosphomolybdate , and nano-platinum modified glassy carbon electrodes ( PtNP / GCE ) were prepared respectively .

  11. 分别采用磷钼酸和磷钨酸对三种催化剂得到的催化电极进行了修饰,并用循环伏安曲线和不同电位下的恒电位I-t曲线测试了它们的性能。

    Modified the three electrodes with two different heteropolyacid respectively and test the well modified electrodes using the cyclic voltammetry and amperometric i-t curve .

  12. 研究了以磷钼酸为催化剂,富马酸和甲醇为原料合成富马酸二甲酯(DMF),探讨了酸醇量比、反应时间、催化剂用量等工艺参数对DMF收率的影响。

    A phospho molybdic acid catalyst was investigated for the esterification of fumaric acid with methanol in this paper . The influences of raw material ratio , reaction time and amount of catalyst used on the yield of DMF were investigated .

  13. 磷钼酸钙阻燃抑烟剂的制备和性能研究

    Preparation and Property of Calcium Phosphomolybdate Flame Retardant and Smoke Suppressant

  14. 水合二氧化钛-磷钼酸铵微球复合无机离子交换剂的合成

    Synthesis of spherical complex inorganic ion exchanger hydrated titanium DIOXIDE-AMMONIUM molybdophosphate

  15. 磷钼酸催化合成DL-α-生育酚

    Catalyzed Synthesis of DL - α - tocopherol by Phosphomolybdic Acid

  16. 磷钼酸季铵盐催化柴油氧化脱硫研究

    Catalytic oxidative desulfurization of diesel fuel by quaternary ammonium phosphomolybdate

  17. 磷钼酸催化合成氯乙酸乙酯

    Catalytic synthesis of ethyl chloroacetate with phospho - molybdic acid

  18. 微波辐射磷钼酸铈盐催化柴油氧化脱硫研究

    Oxidative desulfurization of diesel fuel catalyzed by cerium phosphomolybdate under microwave radiation

  19. 水合五氧化二锑-磷钼酸铵的性能与复合机理

    Properties and structure of complex exchanger HYDRATED ANTIMONY pentoxide - ammonium molybdophosphate

  20. 复合介孔材料磷钼酸/二氧化硅的合成及其催化性能

    Synthesis and catalytic properties of mesoporous HPMo / SiO_2 composite

  21. 磷钼酸化学吸附去除油品中的吡啶

    Removal of Pyridine from Oil Product by Chemical Adsorption Using 12-molybdophosphoric Acid

  22. 磷钼酸铵-孔雀绿-PVA分光光度法测定钽粉中磷

    Determination of phosphorus in tantalum powder with PMA-malachite green-PVA spectrophotometry

  23. 方法:1.体外消化实验磷钼酸比色法;

    Methods : 1 . In vitro digestion : Phosphomolybdic acid colorimetry ;

  24. 磷钼酸催化法制备某些缩醛(酮)的研究

    Research of preparing some acetal ( ketal ) by using Molybdophosphoric Acid

  25. 离心加速纸上色层分析钾、铷、铯在磷钼酸铵纸上的层析

    Separations of potassium , rubidium , and caesium with centrifugally accelerated paper chromatography

  26. 粉末洗涤剂-总氧化磷含量测定-磷钼酸喹啉重量法

    Washing powders-determination of total phosphorus ( v ) oxide content-quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric method

  27. 水解还原铜磷钼酸光度法间接测定丙酮肟磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羟化酶

    Indirect spectrophotometric determination of acetoxime with copper-phosphoric-molybdate by hydrolysis-reduction

  28. 用磷钼酸修饰甲醇燃料电池的铂电极

    Phosphomolybdic Acid Modified Platinum Electrode of Methanol Fuel Cell

  29. 活性炭负载磷钼酸催化合成乙酸环己酯的研究

    Catalytic synthesis of cyclohexyl acetate by phosphorus molybdenum acid supported on activated carbon

  30. 用甲酸还原磷钼酸&动力学法测定单矿物中痕量金

    Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Gold Using Reduction of Molybdophosphoric Acid with Formic Acid