
zhì hè jūn shǔ
  • Shigella
  1. 然而随着抗生素的广泛使用,临床频繁出现耐药志贺菌属菌株,而且呈现为多重耐药(multi-drugresistance,MDR)。

    However , with the wide use of antibiotics , resistant isolates of Shigella spp. , especially multiresistant isolates with multi-drug resistance ( MDR ), occurred .

  2. 临床分离志贺菌属细菌主动外排系统acrAB-tolC基因的表达

    Expression of multidrug active efflux system acrAB-tolC genes in clinical isolated strains of Shigella

  3. 目前的研究认为,IpaC是志贺菌属和侵袭性大肠杆菌(enteroinvasiveEscherichiacoli.EIEC)中侵袭性大质粒分泌的一种侵袭性蛋白,是细菌侵入肠上皮细胞所必需的。

    In the present study , invasion plasmid antigen C ( IpaC ), secreted by the invasion plasmid of Shigella spp and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli , is the primary effector protein for Shigella invasion of epithelial cells .

  4. 志贺菌属对氟喹诺酮类药物耐药机制的研究

    A study on the mechanism of the resistance of Shigellae to fluoroquinolones

  5. 对于耐药基因盒类型而言,在志贺菌属中发现的类型相对较单一。

    The types of gene cassettes discovered in isolates of Shigella were not various relatively .

  6. 结论1.志贺菌属细菌对常用抗生素普遍耐药,多重耐药现象严重(95.6%)。

    The isolates of Shigella spp. are usually resistant to common antibiotics and most of them are multidrug resistant ( 95.6 % ) .

  7. 结果:结果表明所试11株菌的32种生化反应结果除分解葡萄糖产生少量气体外均符合志贺菌属定义;

    Results : According to the results of 32 biochemical reactions and 3 serological tests , the 11 strains had the same character as Shigella boydii except for aerogenesis trait .