
zhì yuàn zhě
  • volunteer;Volunteering;postulant
  1. 找个志愿者编这个计算机程序不成问题。

    Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn 't a problem

  2. 她是一个志愿者,不一定非是受人迫使的。

    She was a volunteer , she hadn 't had to be press-ganged .

  3. 志愿者在学到很多东西的同时还能得到乐趣。

    Volunteers learn a lot and enjoy themselves into the bargain .

  4. 每天24小时都有志愿者接听电话。

    The telephones are manned 24 hours a day by volunteers .

  5. 志愿者已经准备完毕,等着将食物装箱。

    Volunteers were ready and waiting to pack the food in boxes .

  6. 我们得到一批志愿者的大力协助。

    We were ably assisted by a team of volunteers .

  7. 在咨询中心工作的全部是志愿者。

    The advice centre is staffed entirely by volunteers .

  8. 许多志愿者来自当地学校。

    Local schools supply many of the volunteers .

  9. 志愿者排成一条长龙,从着火的房子里手传手把贵重物品抢救出来。

    Volunteers formed a human chain to rescue precious items from the burning house .

  10. 我们好不容易凑齐八名志愿者。

    We managed to scrape together eight volunteers .

  11. 志愿者不乏其人。

    There was no lack of volunteers .

  12. 我们期盼有更多的志愿者加入,以壮大目前已在提供帮助的队伍。

    We are looking for more volunteers to swell the ranks of those already helping .

  13. 他仍在从事促进当地创业的志愿者工作。

    He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise .

  14. 来自各行各业的志愿者们感到被欺骗了。

    Volunteers from all walks of life are feeling put upon .

  15. 这些义务工作的志愿者是因为他们喜欢这个工作才做的。

    The unpaid volunteers do the work because they love it .

  16. 他协助招募志愿者到巴基斯坦打仗。

    He helped to recruit volunteers to go to Pakistan to fight .

  17. 负责寻找志愿者的人是查尔斯·韦伯博士。

    The man responsible for finding the volunteers is Dr. Charles Weber .

  18. 寻找平民志愿者的种种尝试都遭遇了令人难堪的失败。

    Attempts to find civilian volunteers have met with embarrassing failure

  19. 该中心95%以上的工作人员是志愿者。

    Volunteers constitute more than 95 % of The Center 's work force .

  20. 志愿者每周领到21英镑的零用钱,免费住宿,还得到一笔生活费。

    Volunteers receive £ 21 pocket money each week , accommodation and expenses .

  21. 从1976年开始,他就在志愿者的帮助下经营这个店。

    Since 1976 he has been operating the shop with the assistance of volunteers

  22. 忠实的志愿者们今天上午已就位,随时准备开始工作。

    The stalwart volunteers marched in this morning ready to go to work .

  23. 他指导和培训了400多名志愿者。

    He supervised and trained more than 400 volunteers .

  24. 志愿者记录下他们一周所吃的所有食物。

    The volunteers kept a record of everything they ate for a week .

  25. 我想对所有的志愿者致以衷心的谢意。

    I should like to extend my grateful thanks to all the volunteers .

  26. 爱国信念更加坚定了志愿者们的信心。

    The volunteers were fortified by their patriotic belief

  27. 我们完全依靠我们的志愿者。

    We depend solely upon our voluntary helpers .

  28. 对志愿者的限定条件非常严格。

    The conditions imposed on volunteers were stringent .

  29. 志愿者里似乎什么人都有。

    The volunteers seem a motley crew .

  30. 几千名志愿者放弃周末的部分休息时间,来清理加利福尼亚州的海岸。

    Thousands of volunteers gave up part of their weekend to clean up the California coastline .