
  • 网络new weekly
  1. 专题策划:《图书馆论坛》与《新周刊》的比较

    Comparison between Library Tribune and New Weekly

  2. 《新周刊》说,智库是一个国家的智商。

    《 New Weekly 》 said , think tank is the brain of a country .

  3. 第三部分对《新周刊》专题策划的模式和特色进行探讨分析;

    And Part 3 analyzes scheme modes and features of special topics of new weekly .

  4. 我们为您带来一个令人振奋的新周刊,每周一瓣(部分)连通世界称为全球连接。

    We 're bringing you an exciting new weekly segment every week on Connect the World called Global Connections .

  5. 广东《新周刊》杂志近日刊文称,中国成为了“急之国”。

    China is an important nation , said an article published bu Guangdong 's " New Weekly " magazine .

  6. 文章从专题、封面设计、受众定位、经营方法等方面阐述了《新周刊》的差异化战略。

    This paper demonstrates the differentiation strategy of New Weekly in topics , plot design , audience localization and management .

  7. 《新周刊》作为新闻时事杂志的异类,充分运用差异化战略,步步为营,闯出了一片新天地。

    Different from the common news magazines , New Weekly applies the differentiation strategy to careful practice and finally gets success .

  8. 《新周刊》、《城市画报》、《三联生活周刊》等是近年来涌现的一批新锐杂志。

    City Pictorial , New Weekly , Life Week are new-sharp magazines that have come into being in China in recent years .

  9. 第三章,具体分析《新周刊》的消费文化特征,运用文本分析和数据分析等研究方法。

    The third chapter ," New Weekly " consumer culture characteristics specific analysis , the use of text analysis and data analysis methods .

  10. 刘湘云2010年在一次罕见的媒体采访中对《新周刊》说:郝琳负责管钱,我知道如何赚钱。

    In a rare media interview with magazine New Weekly in 2010 , Ms. Liu said : ' He is in charge of managing the money .

  11. 第一部分对《新周刊》杂志各个生命周期的品牌发展进行分析,包括引入期、转型期、成长期和成熟期。

    The first part divides the development process of New Weekly into introduction period , reform period , growth period and mature period and analyzes them respectively .

  12. 秉承新锐理念的《新周刊》发展至今已有十五年,是国内发展比较成功的知名新闻期刊。

    Adhering to the " new " of the concept , New Weekly has developed for fifteen years , which is one of the successful well-known News Journals .

  13. 要实现中国最新锐的时事生活周刊的定位,《新周刊》的专题策划势必要经历一个长期、艰难的过程。

    To realize its localization as the Chinese most sharp event and life style periodical , its schemes of special topics have to go through a hard and long process .

  14. 《新周刊》作为文化商品,在文化市场中率先打出了品牌化的经营思路,为文化商品开创了一条成功通向市场经济的道路。

    As a cultural product , New Weekly firstly began the management method of quality goods in cultural market , it initiates a successful way to market economy for cultural products .

  15. 在这一社会语境下,运用议程设置理论、框架理论、话语分析理论,对《三联生活周刊》、《新周刊》自创刊以来(1996&2011)有关同性恋议题报道进行详细分析。

    Subsequently , the use of agenda-setting theory , frame theory , discourse analysis theory , the " Life Week "," New Weekly " Since it began ( 1996-2011 ), reports on gay issues for detailed analysis .

  16. 《新周刊》声称斯图尔特(目前在洛杉矶拍摄“离家出走”)要求她的朋友购买怀孕测试纸,她做了一些加减法。

    NW claimed Stewart , who 's currently shooting " The Runaways " in Los Angeles ( and is rocking a decidedly flat stomach ), asked a friend to buy her a pregnancy test after she did some math .

  17. 事件栏目是《新周刊》中一个深度报道类的栏目,作为一个新闻性栏目,理所当然承担起《新周刊》的新闻发言人的角色。

    The " event " is part of the " New Weekly " in a depth reporting class , as a news section , of course , assume the role of the spokesman of the " New Weekly " .

  18. 除了一些男性化的期刊在市场上得到男性读者的公开谈论(《财经》、《南风窗》《新周刊》、《中国国家地理》等),时尚期刊未能更好地进入公众视野。

    Except some butch periodicals are publicly discussed (" Business & Finance Review ", " Window of South ", " New Weekly ", " Chinese National geographic " and so on ), the fashion periodical has not been able to enter the public eyeshot .

  19. 此文发表之前,中国其它出版物也刊载了类似的评论和文章,如中国最大的财经报纸之一《21世纪经济报道》,以及自由派的《新世纪周刊》。

    The report followed similar commentary and articles published in publications including the 21st Century Business Herald , one of the largest financial newspapers in the country , and New Century Weekly , a liberal magazine .

  20. 尽管犬儒主义者可能会辩解到超市提供给人们他们急需的食物,但是本月在新英格兰医学周刊上公布的研究显示事实并非如此。

    Although cynics might argue that the market gives people the food they deserve , research published this month in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests otherwise .

  21. 面对市场的挑战以及来自新媒体的威胁,《新周刊》的办刊过程也是一个不断自我调整和适应市场的过程。

    Face with the challenges of the market and the threat from new media , New Weekly ? , publication is a continuous self-adjust process adapting to the market .