
  • 网络new rochelle;New Rochele;New Rochelle, New York
  1. 在新罗谢尔高中(NewRochelleHighSchool)的毕业典礼上,她理所当然地成为代表所在班级致告别辞的不二人选。

    And , inevitably , she ended up valedictorian of her class at New Rochelle high school .

  2. 米却肯味道冰激凌店(PaleteriaElSabordeMichoacan)是纽约新罗谢尔的一个朴素的墨西哥店,离大都会北站约有0.5英里。

    Paleteria El Sabor de Michoacan is an unassuming Mexican shop in New Rochelle , N.Y. , about a half-mile from the Metro-North station .

  3. 他是一个嗓门高、脾气躁的家伙,与大多数周末我在家乡纽约州新罗谢尔(NewRochelle)的运动场边看到的很多父亲没什么区别。

    He was a loud , boisterous guy , not unlike many of the fathers I see alongside fields most weekends in my hometown of New Rochelle , N.Y.

  4. 为了多陪陪妻子,现居纽约州新罗谢尔市(NewRochelle)、今年56岁的证券诉讼律师斯坦利•伯恩斯坦(StanleyBernstein)曾在几年前做了一些极端的事。

    Stanley Bernstein , a 56-year-old securities litigator living in New Rochelle , N.Y. , did something drastic a few years ago to spend more time with his wife .

  5. 阿憨,这位是新罗谢尔市的珍。

    Han , this is Jen from New Rochelle .

  6. 嗨,我的名字是谢伊,我从我的新罗谢尔。

    Hi , my name is Shay , and I 'm from New Rochelle .

  7. 麦克斯,瞧,新罗谢尔市的珍在线上医生网站上更新状态了。

    Max , look , Jen from New Rochelle put up a new update on WebMD .

  8. 海曼在纽约市外的新罗谢尔长大,在那里上高中时,她的课外活动非常丰富,多得简直有些可笑。

    Hyman grew up outside New York City in New Rochelle , where her high school extracurricular-activity list was almost comically long .