
  • Expressman;The Courier
  1. 快递员能破开10英镑的纸币。

    The courier had change for a £ 10 note .

  2. 快递员将包裹送到我的办公室了。

    A courier delivered the parcel to my office .

  3. Emailcourier指在办公室里刚给别人发完邮件就立马起身来到收件人的工作台旁边,跟人家确认邮件是否收到,还希望人家立即给回复的人,即“电邮快递员”。

    Email courier is an individual who gets out of their chair and approaches someone 's desk or workstation in a work environment almost immediately after sending them an email , usually to make sure that the email has been received and that they can get a reply right away .

  4. 物流公司应制定包装标准,培训快递员按规定进行包装,以减少浪费,避免过度包装。

    Logistics companies must draw up packaging standards and train couriers to wrap packages accordingly to reduce waste and avoid over-packaging .

  5. 苏宁易购已经在北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京和成都招募了一批“洋快递员”。

    Suning Tesco has recruited a group of foreign couriers in Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou , Shenzhen , Nanjing and Chengdu .

  6. 承包商应通过电子邮件将周进度报告发送给shell代表或通过快递员将报告送达至shell北京办事处。

    The Contractor shall provide a weekly progress report to the shell representative by electronic mail or courier to shell offices in beijing .

  7. RSS是比萨快递员,会把新鲜出炉的比萨送上门。

    RSS is your pizza guy , bringing fresh-baked data right to your door .

  8. 托马斯·曼宁(ThomasManning)现年64岁,是马萨诸塞州哈利法克斯的一名银行快递员。今年5月8日到9日,他接受了一场长达15个小时的手术。

    Thomas Manning , 64 , a bank courier from Halifax , Mass . , underwent the 15-hour transplant operation on May 8 and 9 .

  9. 鲁迪是入侵检测系统IDS公司的快递员,她说:MJ是我养的第一只猫,我朋友跟我说可以训练她,所以我就开始训练让MJ坐在我的肩膀上。

    Rudi , a courier for IDS , said : MJ is my first cat and a friend said I could train her - so I got her to sit on my shoulder .

  10. 去年,一段FedEx快递员将一台电脑显示器扔过围栏的视频疯狂流传,突显出第三方派送涉及的品牌风险。

    Last year a video of a FedEx delivery man tipping a computer monitor over a fence went viral , highlighting the brand risks involved in outsourcing delivery .

  11. 鲁迪是入侵检测系统IDS公司的快递员,她说:“MJ是我养的第一只猫,我朋友跟我说可以训练她,所以我就开始训练让MJ坐在我的肩膀上。”

    Rudi , a courier for IDS , said : ' MJ is my first cat and a friend said I could train her - so I got her to sit on my shoulder . "

  12. 快递员将于早上去拿你的回件。

    The messenger will call for your reply in the morning .

  13. 像杨华这样的快递员每天约投送100个包裹。

    Individual couriers like Mr Yang hand-deliver about 100 packages a day .

  14. 你能帮我留意一下快递员吗

    Can you keep an eye out for the postman ?

  15. 甚至连快递员和理发师都要告知。

    Even tell your mail carrier and your hair stylist .

  16. 我们换快递员了吗佩特罗去哪了

    Did we get a new UPS guy ? Where 's Pedro ?

  17. 这些自行车快递员真是疯了。

    These bike messengers are out of their minds .

  18. 这名快递员名叫毛召木,今年只有18岁。

    The courier , named Mao Shaomu , is just 18 years old .

  19. 我们明天上午派快递员去派发。

    We 're sending couriers with them tomorrow morning .

  20. 他还说道:我觉得快递员当时肯定是想把包裹扔过去!

    He added : ' Trying to throw it over the house I think !

  21. 花店快递员呢?

    How about doing deliveries for a florist ?

  22. 快递员由客户根据其在礼貌程度、递交过程和乐于助人这三方面的表现进行评分。

    Couriers are rated by customers based on politeness , presentation , and helpfulness .

  23. 来自俄罗斯的伊万是广州大学的交换生,他也是苏宁的洋快递员之一。

    Russian exchange student from Guangzhou University , Ivan , is among the foreign couriers .

  24. 我太倔强了,不该不听她的话,跑来沙漠里做快递员!

    I should have listened to her not to become an express in the desert .

  25. 很多午餐快递员目不识丁,但这项技术的设计另有其人。

    Many of the lunchbox carriers are illiterate but the technology wasn 't built by them .

  26. 这些混蛋快递员他们家开的。

    Think they own these streets .

  27. 这些自行车在职业自行车快递员中很流行,因为他们喜欢便于操控的自行车。

    These bikes are popular with professional bike messengers who are attracted to the easy-to-maneuver bikes .

  28. 快递员还会面临一些其他的困难,比如道路拥堵,油箱冰冻等等。

    Couriers are also facing other barriers , such as traffic congestion and frozen fuel tanks .

  29. 快递员就是把货物送到人们家里或工作地点的人。

    A delivery man is somebody who delivers goods to people 's houses or places of work .

  30. 快递员送达货物,而收货人却不在,这样成本常常超出所收费用。

    Couriers show up at empty houses , and fees often fail to cover the full cost .