
  1. 她喜欢读有快乐结局的小说。

    She likes to read novels with happy endings .

  2. 当我们攺变了快乐结局的定义时,我们也就能继续前进。

    We can move forward when we change our definition of a happy ending .

  3. 现在,我很高兴地告诉你们这个故事有个快乐结局。

    Now , I am glad to tell you that the story has a happy ending .

  4. 我们对于快乐结局的定义决定了我们如何诠释自己课题的结果。

    Our definition of a happy ending determines how we will interpret the outcome of our lessons .

  5. 我们创造自己的实相,我们也创造自己对于快乐结局的定义。

    Just as we create our reality , we also create our own definition of happy endings .

  6. 在真实生活中,我们总是经历了苦难;人际关系总令我们失望和心碎;快乐结局从未真正发生过。

    In real life , we have painful experiences , relationships often cause our greatest heartbreaks and disappointments and our happy endings do not materialize .

  7. 但是,快乐结局总是能赋予我们力量,帮助我们做出不同的选择,带我们脱离个人的因果业力和疗愈课题的循环。

    But they are empowering , help us make different choices and can take us out of our personal cycles of karmic lessons and healing .

  8. 快乐结局真的只能发生在童话故事里吗?如果我们可以重新定义所谓的快乐结局,在日常生活中是否能更容易发现它的存在呢?

    Does a happy ending always have to look like the fairy tale or can we re-define happy endings so that we find them in every situation ?

  9. 有时快乐结局是令人悲伤的;可能也会令人遭受损失和失望;教会我们不能去控制别人和他们的行为;或是让我们知道我们去疗愈或改变他人的能力不足。

    Sometimes happy endings are sad , involve loss and disappointment , teach us that we can 't control anyone or their behavior or show us that we are limited in our ability to heal or change others .

  10. 从以孩童为取向写出的快乐结局到为成人所写愈趋黑暗的剧本,她欲揭露某种落差导致的混乱,而这落差是来自于政府对人人享有繁荣的允诺到实际上人人相互斗争的情况。

    From her happily ending plays for children to her increasingly dark plays for adults she exposes the chaos that results from the chasm between promises of prosperity for everyone and actual conditions that pit individuals against each other .

  11. 这故事有一个快乐的结局。

    The story has a happy ending .

  12. 永远记住:上天只会铺排的快乐的结局。

    Always remember : God will arrange the happy ending .

  13. 这是一个美丽的故事,我当然喜欢它有一个快乐的结局。

    It was a nice story , and I hope it has a happy ending .

  14. 由于在几乎所有的扶轮社蒸汽机的故事,是没有快乐的结局。

    As in almost all rotary steam engine stories , there is no happy ending .

  15. 对于一些家庭来说,恐怖和飞行的故事通常都有一个快乐的结局。

    For some families , the stories of terror and flight have a happy ending .

  16. 所以,父子有一个快乐的结局,他们都获得了诺贝尔奖。

    So , father and son , happy ending , they both have their Noble prizes .

  17. 每个故事都该有个快乐的结局,每个情节也该有个充满愉悦和欣喜的结果。

    Every story should have a happy ending and every situation should have a joyful and pleasant result .

  18. 射手座进入掌管罗曼史的第五宫,这意味这年末你会有一个快乐的结局。

    Your year ends on a joyful note with the Sagittarius Moon warming up your5th House of Romance .

  19. 格兰特已经有名垂青史的关系,特别是著名女演员伊丽莎白赫莉的女性,但没有快乐的结局,赐给他,他想。

    Grant has had well-documented relationships with famous women , notably actress Elizabeth Hurley , but none has given him the happy ending he would like .

  20. 这类影片通常是不合逻辑,能够振奋喜剧性,通常重点在于家庭和快乐的结局,让观影者感到温暖和温馨,这和圣诞节的影片相似,真的

    The films are usually illogical , uplifting comedies , with a focus on families and happy endings to make viewers feel warm and fuzzy . Similar to Christmas movies , really .

  21. 遗憾的是,这个快乐的故事结局却比较伤感。

    Unfortunately , this happy story finishes on a more sombre note .

  22. 我们曾经生活得那么快乐,可是不幸入侵了我们的生活,而现在,我们在等待快乐的结局。

    We had been so happy , then something very bad had come into our lives and we were now waiting for our happy ending .