
  • 网络mobbed;Flash mob;FlashMob
  1. 利克和39岁的霍纳坎普是一个名为“11月计划”(NovemberProject)的清晨锻炼快闪族的纽约领头人。该计划2011年始于波士顿,之后扩散到美国和加拿大的19个城市。

    Mr. Leak and Mr. Honerkamp , 39 , are the New York leaders of an early-morning workout flash mob known as the November Project , which began in Boston in 2011 and has since spread to 19 cities in the United States and Canada .

  2. 周四,在俄罗斯莫斯科的奥林匹克体育馆外,近1000人云集于此,共跳热舞“江南style”。快闪族们以这种方式欢迎韩国歌手Psy,他于周五参加了俄罗斯的一项音乐颁奖典礼。

    In Russia , close to 1000 people gathered outside Moscow 's Olympic Stadium Thursday to dance " Gangnam style . " The flash mob is in honor of South Korean singer Psy , who 's taking part in a Russian music awards ceremony on Friday .

  3. Flashmob快闪党,快闪族。

    flash mob , flash mob , flash mob ...

  4. 他在Facebook上创建了一个“快闪族”的活动,他设定日期和事件,邀请人们来惠顾“凯恩的游乐场”。

    He created an event on Facebook , called a " flash mob . " He set up a date and time and invited people to come out to help him fill " Caine 's Arcade " with customers . The event was also published on the websites Hidden LA and Reddit .

  5. 城市里有枕头大战的快闪族,我去过几次,还真有趣。

    You have the flash mobs of pillow fights that , I 've been to a couple . They 're quite fun .

  6. 快闪族意指一群人,在预先决定好的地点聚集,一齐作短暂的表演或动作,然后以迅雷不及掩耳的速度四散无踪。

    A large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location , perform some brief action , and then quickly disperse .

  7. 快闪族指聚集在一个事先商定好的地点,在短时间内完成一些异常的举动,然后快速解散并消失的一大群人。

    Flash mob refers to a large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location , perform an unusual action for a brief time , and then quickly disperse .

  8. 这种被称为快闪族的现象,无论是网路族无所事事的特效药,或者是社会抗议的开端,也许有待公开讨论。

    Whether the phenomenon , referred to as a " flash mob ," is a cure for the ennui of the wired generation or an incipient form of social protest may be open to debate .

  9. 王冲是这次网上广为流传的快闪族的倡导者之一,他表示,这次活动是针对近几年中国国民阅读数量下降的问题而开展的,旨在倡导全民阅读。

    Wang Chong , one of the people behind the flash mob that widely circulated online , said its purpose was to call for people to read more books amid the decline of reading in China in recent years .