
  • 网络Fast food;snacks;fastfood
  1. HACCP在产业化快餐食品生产中的应用研究

    The Application of HACCP in the Industrial Production of the Fast Food

  2. 即使当我们问专业营养师估计的数目热量的快餐食品,他们错了,尚东告诉INSEAD的知识。

    Even when we asked professional nutritionists to estimate the number of calories of fast food , they were wrong , Chandon told INSEAD Knowledge .

  3. 营养学家称不该吃太多快餐食品。

    Nutritionists say that there 's no reason to abuse fast food .

  4. 快餐食品是他们最主要的食品。

    B.like snack foods as saltiness is their primary flavor .

  5. 其中一些人,特别是年轻人吃着不健康的快餐食品。

    Some , especially young people , were eating unhealthy fast food .

  6. 他们的亲戚渴求的是正宗的快餐食品。

    What their relatives yearn for is real junk food .

  7. 快餐食品用油和风味保持技术

    Oil-used in snack food and keeping technique of flavors

  8. 快餐食品的确方便,但却不一定健康。

    Fast food is convenient but not always healthy .

  9. 快餐食品味道不错,但营养不足。

    Junk food tastes good , but it does not have enough nutrition .

  10. 食用快餐食品过多,你的身体状况会出现滑坡。

    Too much fast food can drag your body down in other ways .

  11. 但它不意味所有快餐食品是坏选择。

    And it doesn 't mean that all fast-food meals are bad choices .

  12. 我如何了解快餐食品中的碳水化合物和脂肪的含量?

    How can I learn the carbohydrate and fat content of fast food ?

  13. 你经常吃什么快餐食品?

    What fast food do you often eat ?

  14. 面皮快餐食品工业化生产的调查及工艺研究

    Investigation and Study on the technology of industrialization production for dough cover fast food

  15. 立法规定一个专门的快餐食品区以阻止其蔓延。

    Zoning laws designed to keep fast-food restaurants out of an area or neighborhood .

  16. 这儿有猪排、火腿、熏猪肉、香肠,还有快餐食品。

    Here are pork chops , ham , bacon , sausage and TV dinners .

  17. 布隆伯格最近正试图对不健康的快餐食品采取类似手段。

    Mr Bloomberg has recently been trying a similar approach with unhealthy fast food .

  18. 首先,中国人对美国快餐食品更安全的信任已经消失。

    For one , the belief that American fast food is much safer has vanished .

  19. 在美国和加拿大,三明治是极大众化的午间快餐食品。

    Sandwiches are a very popular quick lunch in both the United States and Canada .

  20. 这与快餐食品的健康与否并没有直接的关联!

    This is fast food healthy or not , and there is no direct correlation !

  21. 西方食物,尤其是快餐食品,诸如麦当劳和肯德基,已经在中国流行开来。

    Western food , especially fast food establishments like McDonald 's and KFC have become popular .

  22. 他们还指出,这两家连锁企业供应的快餐食品的反式脂肪含量在各个国家差异巨大。

    And the level of trans-fats served by the chains varies dramatically from country to country .

  23. 有益健康、风味独特的快餐食品,给双职工家庭增添一份喜悦。

    Wholesome fast food with unique flavour gives a share of pleasure to families of working couples .

  24. 他们建议禁止在学校内出售软饮料和快餐食品,禁止向儿童做食品宣传。

    They recommend banning soft drinks and fast foods in schools and food advertising directed at children .

  25. 百事公司饮料业务的市场份额已经减少,同时还拖累了其快餐食品业务的价值。

    Its drinks business has lost market share and is dragging down the valueof its snacks operation .

  26. 马铃薯薯条是西方国家的一种传统快餐食品,其加工已有几十年历史。

    French fried is the tradition fast food in the western countries with several dozers years of processing history .

  27. 所以,加利福尼亚官员正在考虑禁止快餐食品上印刷玩具图案。

    That 's why some California officials are considering a ban on including toys with some fast food meals .

  28. 新型快餐食品油炸工艺及氧化淀粉磷酸酯、几丁聚糖改善其品质的研究

    Research on Deep-frying Process of New Style Fast-food and Its Quality Improved by Oxidation Starch Phosphoric Acid Ester and Chitosan

  29. 快餐食品汉堡包,永远没有麦当劳和巨无霸汉堡包商业广告里看上去那么大、那么汁液欲滴。

    Fast-food hamburgers are never as big and juicy as they look in a mcdonald 's or Burger King commercial .

  30. 在美国由于担心感染沙门氏菌,快餐食品巨人麦当劳已经停止将切片番茄放入汉堡中。

    Fast food giant McDonald 's has stopped putting sliced tomatoes in its burgers in the US because of a salmonella scare .