
  • 网络smrty-upasthana
  1. 有些从没有修过四念处的人对此表示怀疑,我们不必责怪他们。

    We do not blame the skeptics who have never tried the Satipatthana method .

  2. 在明昆长老的指导下,我开始运用四念处禅修法。

    Meditating under the Say ? daw 's guidance , I applied the Satipatthana method .

  3. 他必须面对事实,清楚认识这些烦恼,以便不断运用合适的四念处对治法。

    He has to face that fact and know these defilements well in order to apply again and again the appropriate remedy of satipatthana .

  4. 如果经过这样反观检视,他了知尚未开发四念处,那么他应该精勤修习以开发四念处。

    If , by so reviewing , he knows thus : " The four foundations of mindfulness are not developed in me " then he should make an effort to develop the four foundations of mindfulness .