
niàn fó
  • pray to Buddha;Nembutsu;chant the name of Buddha
念佛 [niàn fó]
  • [Nembutsu] 净土宗信徒对阿弥陀佛名号的反复念诵,以此作为往生净土的手段

  • [chant the name of Buddha;pray to Buddha] 信佛的人念阿弥陀佛或南无阿弥陀佛

  • 隔壁的毛奶奶吃斋念佛一辈子

念佛[niàn fó]
  1. 她长年吃斋念佛,可诚心了。

    Over the years , she 's shown her devotion by abstaining from meat and praying to buddha .

  2. 另外,在为期一个月的调查中,笔者走访了嵊州市J村的二十余位念佛老太,她们中的年龄分层在六十到八十之间。

    In addition , in a one-month survey , author visited more than twenty buddha grannies in this village , their ages layered in between sixty to eighty .

  3. 那时我会马上念佛,他们就会立刻放我走。

    I then always recited Buddhas name , after which they let me go immediately .

  4. 晚唐至宋初净土五会念佛法门在敦煌的流传晚唐五代敦煌佛教教团的科罚制度研究

    A Study of Buddhist Monastic Punishment System of Dunhuang During The Later-Tang Dynasty to The Five Dynasties

  5. 她的叔叔拍了这些相片并将之组成教人念佛的佳作。

    Her uncle took these photos and composed the master piece on teaching people to chant Amitabha .

  6. 为了要脱离这个五浊恶世的娑婆世界,我修心,念佛!

    Because I want to be liberated from the Saha world of the five turbidities . I am mindful of the Buddha .

  7. 念佛老太参加念佛队的原因各不相同,有人视其为一种赚钱手段。

    Buddha Buddha old lady who participated in teams for different reasons , it was regarded as a means to make money .

  8. 归依宗教的情怀与他吃斋念佛的祖母的影响、研读佛家典籍、通过文艺这一中介对佛教义理的吸收以及曾进过教会学校有关。

    It influences him to belong to the religion of depending on his grandmother and he study Buddhist 's ancient books carefully .

  9. 那天晚上他没回家,而是不停地叩头、念佛、诵经。

    He didn 't go home that night , but spent his time kowtowing , telling the Buddha Amitabha 's name , and reciting sutras .

  10. 但是,很多妇女或出家为尼,或在家吃斋念佛,对商业和农牧业的发展产生了不利影响。

    However , so many women becoming Buddhist nun or vegetarians attracted a lot of adverse effects on the development of commerce , agriculture and stockbreeding .

  11. 因为区域文化背景的差异,不同于其他.地方和尚、道士等主导的法事道场,念佛老太有其自身的行为准则。

    Because of the regional cultural background differences , unlike other parts of monks , priests taking charge of ceremonies , buddha granny has her own conduct and criterion .

  12. 访谈内容主要涉及念佛老太的个人基本情况,念佛队的相关活动和规章流程,以及念佛老太对参与念佛活动的感想与认同。

    Interview mainly touch upon the basic situation of individuals , buddha team-related activities and regulatory , processes , and the feelings and identity of Buddha Granny taking part in activities .

  13. 一九九零年在圆明讲堂上明下旸大和尚座下受三皈五戒,开始茹素念佛。

    In1990 , he became a Buddhist and vegetarian after taking Three Refuges and undertaking the adherence of the Five Commandments under Great Master Ming Yang , in Yuanming Temple in Shanghai .

  14. 因此我推论,任何被弥陀誓愿救助的人,并不需要为了他们被拯救而去做善事。因为没有比阿弥陀佛赐予我们的念佛更大的善行存在。

    It follows that anyone saved by Amida 's Vow has no need to do good deeds for the sake of their salvation , because no greater good exists than the numbutsu bestowed on us by Amida .

  15. 在京都表演期间,她也开始以创新而闻名:她为了敬拜阿弥陀如来佛创作的的念佛踊舞,以其纵情和性暗示闻名。

    It was during her performances in Kyoto that she also became known for her innovation : her nembutsu dance , in honor of the buddha Amida , tended to be known for its sultriness and sexual innuendo .

  16. 五龙山自然风光清雅秀丽,人文景观历史悠远,早有佛、道两教来此结庐建场,佛爷洞、念佛石、礼拜石等,今日仍在。

    Lungshan Qing Ya beautiful natural scenery , cultural landscape history Youyuan , already Buddha , two of the Road Jielu to build this market , Buddha Cave , Yu Shek , the worship stone , is still today .