
  • 网络moniliform;beads;beading
  1. 制备的哑铃形碳化奔硅晶须的形貌具有相似性,但是在不同的晶须上念珠状小球的直径、分布和形状又有差异。

    The dumbbell-shaped whiskers have the similar morphology , but the shape and size of beads and distance between two beads are different for different whiskers .

  2. 也有纤维在行程中形成梭形膨大或念珠状的扣结与神经细胞体或树突相接触。

    There are some spindle bulbs or string - beads appearing in some fibers as they come in contact with the surface of nerve cell bodies or dendrites .

  3. 不同品系小鼠对实验感染念珠状链杆菌敏感性的观察

    Observation of the Susceptibility to Experimental Infection with Streptobacillus moniliformis in Different Strains of Mice

  4. 细胞突起呈念珠状变化。

    The cells were contraction ;

  5. 念珠状毛发1例

    A Case of Monilethrix

  6. 在该组中,此种以其独特的由2-10个块茎组成的念珠状根状茎而与该组的其他种相区别。

    , and from all other species of that section differs in its peculiar moniliform rhizome consisting of 2-10 tubers .

  7. 在鞘翅纵沟纹的念珠状结中有管状开口。

    There also were openings of ducts in the nodes of elytral grooves that often contained accumulations of some substance .

  8. 细胞突起呈念珠状变化。焊缝固态收缩对残余应力形成过程的作用

    The cells were contraction ; The Contribution of Restrained Solid State Contraction of the Weld on the Welding Residual Stress Forming Procedure

  9. 通过显微染色观察,在小菜蛾念珠状脂肪体表面粘附有畸形细胞,对脂肪体进行分解破坏而使其成颗粒状;

    Microscopic observation revealed that the moniliform fat body was broken into granules , which was induced by teratocytes attached the fat body tissue ;

  10. 在低浓度抗生素中,中隔细胞壁变厚、不规则和变形,有的呈念珠状或圆滴状。

    At low concentration of these antibiotics , the cross wall of the bacteria become distorted , greatly thickened and irregular , and some of the cross wall turn into moniliform or globular in appearance .

  11. 用菌落上的黄色菌丝进行显微镜观察,发现这些菌丝具有以下特征:体积膨大、隔膜明显、菌丝分支增多,菌丝体呈念珠状。

    With the microscope observation , we could see the yellow hypha of the colonies have many characteristics : the volume ampliate , the septum obvious , the number increased , the shape is moniliform .