
  1. 每天波涛将许多大原木冲到西岸上。

    Big logs are washed up every day on the West coast .

  2. 这就是他们的尸身葬在尼罗河西岸上的缘故。

    This is why their dead bodies were buried on the west bank of the Nile .

  3. 慕华离村庄座落在华离河的右或西岸上,距海边有半英里。

    The village of Moonfleet lies half a mile from the sea on the right or west bank of the Fleet stream .

  4. 你可以到东岸或西岸花上一天或更多的时间去深海钓鱼。

    You can spend a day or more deep-sea fishing off the east or west coast .

  5. 在密西西比河西岸的小镇上,我还是个小孩子的时候,家乡的水手们都有一个远大的志向,这个志向就是当一名轮船上的水手。

    When I was a boy , there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of the Mississippi River . That was , to be a steamboatman .

  6. 在这周的西岸项目研讨会上,一个厦门学者提出,应把厦门和几公里外属于台湾的金门共同打造成一个“特别城市”。

    At a symposium on the West Coast project , a Xiamen scholar proposed this week that Xiamen unite with the Taiwanese-held island of Kinmen , just a few kilometres away , to form a " special city " .

  7. 以色列可能有条件地从它1967年第三次中东战争中所占领的约旦河西岸的大部分土地上撤走,在巴以谈判中以1949年停战线即绿线为基础,进行小幅度调整。

    Israel will probably withdraw from most of the territory occupying in the Third Middle East War in 1967 under some conditions and make small-sized adjustment based on the Green Line in the peace negotiation .