
  1. 琳达把所有时间都花在打理花园上。

    Linda spends all her time working on the garden

  2. 你顶好把悬到邻居花园上的那根枝桠砍掉。

    You 'd better hack off that branch that 's hanging over the neighbour 's gardon .

  3. 设计师对于客户愿意花费在养护花园上的时间和金钱必须有一个清楚的概念。

    The designer needs to have a clear idea how much time and money the client is prepared to devote to keeping the garden going .

  4. 1962年,纽约麦迪逊广场花园上,梦露将为总统约翰·肯尼迪生日献歌。由于寻找舞台入口迷路,上场时,我们的偶像早已气喘吁吁,也便难以正常演唱。

    The film icon apparently got lost while heading toward the stage at Madison Square Garden in New York in1962 to sing for John F Kennedy .

  5. 屋顶花园上开了许多时尚餐厅,同时这两栋建筑的内部保持着原貌:柱子、大理石地板、棕色天花板与鲜红色的墙壁。

    Fashionable restaurants line a rooftop garden , while the buildings " interiors have been left intact : pillars , marble floors , high teak ceilings and walls painted blood red .

  6. 房子位于皮姆利科最美丽的一个花园广场上。

    The house is located in one of Pimlico 's prettiest garden squares

  7. 我在科文特花园接上了她,然后带她和我母亲一起去吃午饭。

    I picked her up at Covent Garden to take her to lunch with my mother .

  8. 要把整个花园铺上草皮将花很多钱。

    It would cost too much to turf the whole garden .

  9. 她铲去了花园小径上的积雪。

    She shovelled the snow away from the garden path .

  10. 我将花园铺上草皮。

    I covered my garden with turf . I takes a big divot .

  11. 我们决定把花园铺上水泥,因为我们不喜欢花。

    We decided to cement our garden as we don 't like flowers .

  12. 他们在花园聚会上吃到了各种山珍海味。

    They were entertained with all kinds of delicious at a garden party .

  13. 你为什么把那么漂亮的花园铺上混凝土?

    Why did you concrete over that nice garden ?

  14. 在阳光明媚的早晨,放一杯水在你的花园围墙上。

    Place a glass of water on your garden wall some sunny morning .

  15. 同时,花园球场上棕熊队迎战匹兹堡企鹅队。

    Across town the Bruins welcomed the Pittsburgh Penguins to the TD Garden .

  16. 割草机-割草铺条机我将花园铺上草皮。

    Mower-wind rower I covered my garden with turf .

  17. 他的汽车失去了控制,一头撞在花园大门上。

    He lost control of the car and drove smack into the garden gate .

  18. 我们走在花园小径上。

    We walk on the garden path .

  19. 他穿过草坪,一屁股坐在花园长凳上,压着嗓子唱了起来:

    He crossed the lawn , slumped down on the garden bench , and sang under his breath :

  20. 圣保罗的皇家花园算得上是闹中取静。

    The royal park in S ã o Paulo is a quiet place in the rustling and bustling city .

  21. “命运非洲”项目已经获得批准,它坐落在花园大道上的437公顷土地上,是一个史无前例的发展与物业投资机会的组合。

    With approvals already secured , Destiny Africa packages a mix of developmental and property investment opportunities without parallel and without precedent .

  22. 一些人住在用塑料袋筑成的小屋里,其它一些人则住在豪宅中,他们的花园边上系着游艇。

    Some people live in shacks made from plastic bags , others in mansions with yachts moored at their garden 's edge .

  23. 这种秩序感和平衡感在中国传统的大景观和花园设计上都体现出来。

    This sense of order , of seeking balance , is manifested in the great landscape and garden design tradition of China .

  24. 这里有一块草坪,摆着几个花坛,小小的花园边上隔着一道铁栅栏。

    There was a lawn , and flower-beds , and at the boundary an iron fence shutting off the little field or park .

  25. 德思礼先生迷迷糊糊,本来可能胡乱睡上一觉,可花园墙头上的那只猫却没有丝毫睡意。

    Mr. Dursley might have been drifting into an uneasy sleep , but the cat on the wall outside was showing no sign of sleepiness .

  26. 比如为什么你打开花园草坪上,水管的龙头,水管就会,向后蛇行呢?

    I remember I had a garden hose on the lawn and I would open the faucet and the garden hose would start to snake backwards . Why ?

  27. 本实用新型具有多种使用方式,可在水上、花园草坪上、工作台面上等需要装饰的环境中使用。

    The utility model has multi usage modes , and can be used in decoration requiring environments on water , on garden grassplot , on a work top , etc.

  28. 海献上珍珠,矿献上金子,夏日的花园献上花朵来装扮你,覆盖你,使你更加美妙。

    The sea gives its pearls , the mines their gold , the summer gardens their flowers to deck you , to cover you , to make you more precious .

  29. 但是,先生,(自豪地)一旦被教授正确的语言方式,这个女孩就能在三个月后冒充大使花园聚会上的贵妇人。

    But , sir ,( proudly ) once educated to speak properly , that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador 's garden party .

  30. 一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,顿感被打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。

    Feeling like being deposed into a cold palace , I began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration immediately after I was segregated & confined in a small house on a hillside in our garden .