
huā jiàn
  • foil;fleuret
花剑[huā jiàn]
  1. 甩剑刺在当今男子花剑比赛中的运用我们用长剑还是用短剑来较量?

    The Swing Puncture in the Male Fleuret Competition ; Shall we fence with long or short swords ?

  2. 花剑比赛中运用击剑线技、战术的重要性

    The Importance of Using Line of Fencing Strategy in Foil Match

  3. 花剑没有劈杀用的剑刃,是刺戳用兵器。

    The foil isa thrusting weapon with no cutting edge .

  4. 女子花剑后退中转换及时进攻的技战术运用

    In The Female Foil Backlash Transforms Prompt Attack the Technique Tactic Utilization

  5. 重剑是决斗用剑,剑体比花剑坚硬。

    The epee is the dueling sword . The blade is stiffer .

  6. 浅析花剑中的截击技术的重要性

    Analysis on the Importance of Volley Skills in Fleuret

  7. 实际上我是个花剑比赛选手。

    Actually , I am a competitive foil fencer .

  8. 高水平花剑运动员时问感优势的脑神经机制研究

    Study on Neural Mechanisms of the Temporal Sense Predominance of Elite Foil Fencers

  9. 花剑较轻,有弹性,剑尖为钝角;

    The foil is a light , flexible weapon with a blunted point ;

  10. 花剑是这三种中最轻的一种,剑身为具有柔性的矩形。

    The foil is the lightest of the three with a flexible rectangular blade .

  11. 花剑逼迫式打法的训练

    The Forced Initiative Training Methods of Foil Fencing

  12. 在击剑比赛中使用花剑、重剑和佩剑三种剑。

    Foil , epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitions .

  13. 在花剑和佩剑比赛中,只有进攻方才能得分。

    In foil and saber , only the attacking fencer can score a point .

  14. 浅谈如何提高花剑训练强度

    On How to Improve the Foil Training Intensity

  15. 花剑防御技术中的半路截击

    Defensive Technique of Half-way Interception in Foil

  16. 研究了影响花剑运动员决策速度和准确性的因素。

    The study examined influential factors of foil fencers ' decision-making in simulating fencing situation .

  17. 花剑战术训练研究

    A Study On Tactical Training In Foil

  18. 甩剑刺技术在我国男子花剑比赛中的运用

    Application on the Thrown Thrust to the Chinese Men 's Foil Competitions Discussion on Sword Skills

  19. 奥运会击剑比赛使用的剑有三种:花剑、佩剑和重剑。

    There are three kinds of sword used in the Olympic fencing-foil , sabre , and epee .

  20. 新裁判器下男子花剑项目技术发展趋势与主要特点分析

    Analysis of the Development Trend and Main Characteristics of Men 's Foil Techniques with New Judging Apparatus

  21. 花剑:突刺剑,有柔韧的四菱形剑身,带有比重剑小的护手盘。

    Foil : A thrusting sword with a flexible rectangular blade and a smaller guard than the epee .

  22. 本文试图通过3种不同距离的剑尖训练方法的初步探讨,为如何提高花剑运动员剑尖控制能力提供一些参考。

    The article introduces three training methods in different distance to raise ability in controlling the point of blade .

  23. 我校一名法语系的学生在去年的悉尼奥运会上夺得了男子花剑的银牌。

    A french major in my school won a silver medal in Men 's Foil at the Sydney Olympics last year .

  24. 信息量与信息加工方式对不同水平花剑运动员决策速度和准确性的影响

    Research on the Influences of Information Traffic and Information Processing Mode on Speed and Accuracy of Different Level Foil Fencers ' Decision-making

  25. 在花剑和重剑比赛中,只有用剑尖触及对方才算有效。

    In foil and epee , a touch can be considered valid only if it is made with the point of the weapon .

  26. 认知风格影响花剑运动员的决策准确性,认知风格和性别共同影响重剑运动员的决策速度。奥运会击剑比赛使用的剑有三种:花剑、佩剑和重剑。

    The cognitive style had effect on accuracy of decision-making . There are three kinds of sword used in the Olympic fencing-foil , sabre , and epee .

  27. 佩剑是以进攻为主的,有效部位比花剑增加头部和手臂。加大防守面积是成功的关键。佩剑主动权相对突出。

    Compared with foil , head and arms are also valid targets in sabre fencing , so sabre fencing focuses more on offensive and its defensive area is enlarged .

  28. 对于重剑而言,全身都是有效部位。但花剑只有触及从颈骨到髋骨的部位才能得分。

    The entire body is a valid target for the epee , but in foil a touch can be scored only on the body between the collar and hipbones .

  29. 运用文献资料、现场、录像观察统计,阐明新裁判器下世界男子花剑技术的发展趋势。

    Based on documentary analysis , observation in spot , and video observation statistics , this research explores the development trend of the modern mens foil on the new judging apparatus .

  30. 真的,这是团结我们争取最好的精神。我校一名法语系的学生在去年的悉尼奥运会上夺得了男子花剑的银牌。

    Indeed , this is the spirit that unites us in striving for the best . A french major in my school won a silver medal in Men 's Foil at the Sydney Olympics last year .