
huái ɡǔ shī
  • poems recalling antiquity
  1. 浅论唐代怀古诗不同时期的主题倾向

    On the Tendencies of the Major Themes of Different Periods of the Poems Recalling Antiquity in Tang Dynasty

  2. 这两次转变,在袁枚咏史怀古诗创作中表现尤为突出。

    These two changes , particularly prominent in the Yuan Mei History-Nostalgic Poems creation .

  3. 咏史怀古诗,无论在数量上还是艺术水平上,都堪称唐诗王国的一方重镇。

    History poetry is very imporant in Tang Dynasty , regardless of in quantity or art level .

  4. 文章以唐宋怀古诗词为例,对其模式和深层意蕴作尝试性分析。

    Taking Tang-Song poems with the theme of meditating on the past an example , the writer analyzed the mode and deep meaning .

  5. 二湖诗中虽然都存在大量的送别诗、怀古诗,但其中蕴含的情感有别;而二湖诗中的交游唱和诗、贬谪诗则明显呈不对等发展。

    There are a lot of farewell poems , nostalgic poems in two lake poetry , but emotion contained in them is different .

  6. 第一部分内容包括:一是咏史诗的界定及其与典故的区别、与怀古诗的关系;

    The first part includes : first , the definition of History-Intoned Poetry , its difference from literary allusion and its relationship with the Nostalgic Poetry .

  7. 同时,残宫意象较多地出现在怀古诗中也是深深契合晚唐诗人在衰世的阴影中形成的审美心理,表现出一种富于哲思而内蕴悠长的美。

    Also , the image of the dilapidated palace fitted the aesthetic mentality of Tang poets living in the declining late Tang , presenting a philosophical intrinsic beauty .

  8. 但有些题材的诗,如送别诗、怀古诗、交游唱和诗、贬谪诗在呈现出一定共性时又表现出不同的特征。

    However , some subjects of poetry , such as farewell poems , nostalgic poems , poems of making friends and exchange , and banished poems , show both similarities and difference .

  9. 本文通过对金陵怀古诗词文化蕴含的考察,阐释诗歌内涵与社会心态的联系。

    This paper discusses the contact between the connotation of the poems and social mental state through the analysis of cultural implication of the poetry of " meditation on the past of Chin-ling " .