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  • script writing;playwriting
  1. 试论张爱玲的电影剧本创作

    A Brief Discussion on Zhang Ailing 's Movie Script Writing

  2. 论张爱玲电影剧本创作中的市场意识&以《太太万岁》和《不了情》为例

    A Brief Discussion on Market Consciousness of Zhang Ai-ling 's Movie Script Writing & Take Long Live my wife and Boundless Love for example

  3. 在许多方面,安妮塔·卢斯看着都不像是从事剧本创作这一行的。

    Anita Loos was in many respects untypical of the screenwriting trade

  4. 在去年12月的哈瓦那电影节期间,圣丹斯学院(SundanceInstitute)长片项目组织了一个由演员、导演和编剧组成的代表团,开办了以剧本创作、制片、纪录片剪辑和电影配乐为主题的研讨班。

    During Havana 's film festival in December , a delegation of actors , directors and writers organized by the Sundance Institute 's feature film program offered workshops on screenwriting , production , documentary editing and scoring for film .

  5. 剧本创作出来不仅是为了阅读,更是为了表演。

    Scripts are created not only for reading , but also for acting .

  6. 其剧本创作在观影经验基础上显得更加成熟。

    Her play in creating a movie based on the experience was more mature .

  7. 这段经历也对电影的剧本创作大有帮助。

    This experience influenced the movie 's script .

  8. 豫剧的剧本创作与表演艺术时刻不忘来源于生活,服务于群众。

    The drama creation and performance arts comes from life and services for the masses .

  9. 袁牧之戏剧历来少有人研究,但他在戏剧表演、剧本创作及理论创新各方面都有积极的贡献。

    Yuan Muzhi has made many positive achievements in drama performance , writing and drama theory .

  10. 我要求我的学生们参加学校剧院的剧本创作,并写一个评论。

    I required my students to attend the university theater 's current production and write a critique .

  11. 正是由于张爱玲常年所积累的观影经验,使得她的电影剧本创作取得了巨大的成功。

    It is because of the accumulated annual Ailing viewing experience , making her screenwriting and achieved great success .

  12. 南开不仅注重剧本创作,还改译了大量西方名剧。

    Nankai not only focus on the creative script , but also adapt a large number of Western dramas .

  13. 因而,在进行电影文学剧本创作时,必须将综合艺术因素贯穿于电影文学构思。

    Thus in the course of film script creation , synthetic art elements must be incorporated into the conception of film literature .

  14. 其主要工作是运用自然语言处理技术从儿童故事文本中提取动画创作所需的故事要素与情节信息,用于辅助导演分镜头剧本创作以及交互式的动画创作。

    The main work is to use natural language processing techniques to extract information that is needed in animation from story texts .

  15. 走通俗市民路线的剧本创作在当时备受瞩目,也很叫座,及时地解决了张爱玲的生计问题。

    Go straight to the creation of the play to the attention , and draws well , to solve the livelihood problems .

  16. 对剧本创作、表演体系和舞台美术等爱美剧运动中实践与理论之间的差距进行分析。

    Then I analysis the gap between practice and theory in the creation of script performance system 、 stage arts and so on .

  17. 与国外动漫作品的艺术水准相比,中国动漫的形象设计和剧本创作都显得简单粗糙。

    And the artistic level of animation works abroad , the Chinese cartoon image of the design and script writing are obviously simple and rough .

  18. 首先,从上海现代化的都市文化背景以及张爱玲的观影活动,揭示好莱坞电影对张爱玲电影剧本创作影响的可能。

    First , from the cultural background of a modern metropolis Shanghai , and Eileen Chang viewing activities , revealing Hollywood Influence on Her screenwriting possible .

  19. 电影剧本创作在中国早期电影所处的地位极其微妙,然而它的发展演变很大程度上影响了中国早期无声电影运动。

    The film scenario 's inditing had a subtle status in Chinese early films ' history , but its development and evolvement effected Chinese silent films ' movement in great extent .

  20. 剧本创作描绘了一位退休教师的晚年生活,塑造了主人公毛小姐这样一位对生命充满热爱、坚守生命尊严的老年知识分子形象。

    Script writing portrays the later life of a retired teacher , shaped hero Miss Mao such a life full of love , stick to the dignity of life of older intellectuals image .

  21. 无论是奥尼尔剧中所反映的世纪之交的时代特点,还是剧本创作的30、40年代的时代内涵,都会受到当时伦理的影响并带有鲜明的时代印记。

    Both the age trait of late of 19 century described in O'Neill 's three plays and the age background of 1930s when O'Neill produced his famous plays are sure to be affected by ethic views at that time .

  22. 中国写意话剧的创造,早期主要是理论思考,20世纪50至60年代着重演剧探索,直至70年代末以来在剧本创作上获得成功才真正走向成熟。

    Initially the expressive plays mainly focus on theoretical considerations , and in1950s and1960s , the emphasis was on the experiments of the theatrical , and not until the1970s did the creation of play-texts witness its success and come to its maturity .

  23. 徐渭的戏剧理论也说明了,戏剧这种综合性的艺术有其特殊性,而舞台是其展示其魅力的土壤,所以剧本创作应注意舞台性。

    The drama theory of Xu Wei also showed that the drama of such a comprehensive art had its specificity , and the arena was its soil to display their charm , so the script creation should be paied attention to character of the stage .

  24. 同时,为银幕写作的意识又促使她自觉或不自觉地将电影剧本创作的思维方式与艺术手段带入到创作中,使小说具备了鲜明的视觉造型特征。

    At the same time , the consciousness of " writing for the screen " promptes her to bring the thinking mode and art means of screenplay into the creation of novels consciously or unconsciously , to make the novel with the " visual modelling characteristic " .

  25. 相比之下,国内学者主要围绕美国情景喜剧作为新的一种艺术样式,对其文本特点,剧本创作和艺术风格进行研究。

    As far as the material collected by the author is concerned , until recently , these scholars treat the American sitcom as a new artistic style and most of their researches focus on the features of its own text , script writing and artistic style of American sitcoms .

  26. 影视剧本委托创作合同纠纷若干问题的探讨

    On Dispute over Contract of Entrustment of Creation of Film and TV Play

  27. 这部电影是他的导演处女作,他同时也参与了剧本的创作。

    It was his directorial debut on a feature length film and he also co-wrote the screenplay .

  28. 而且,韩剧往往在剧本刚创作三分之一时就开拍。

    Moreover , the shooting for South Korean productions generally starts when the scripts are just one-third ready .

  29. 借用电影剧本的创作过程来进行情境构建,提出情境的构建要从创作立意、原则、手法和主体需求表达四个方面来实现。

    The construction of the situation on the creation , citing screenplays , put forward the construction of process from creation situations theme , requirements , technique and the human communication four procedures to achieve .

  30. 电视制作过程相当流畅,采用了高速摄影、电脑特技等先进技术,制造出一个近乎真实的视觉体验。而且,韩剧往往在剧本刚创作三分之一时就开拍。

    The productions are sleek and use advanced technologies such as high-speed photography and computer-generated effects , creating a real-life visual impact . Moreover , the shooting for South Korean productions generally starts when the scripts are just one-third ready .