
  • 网络Saga;Heroes & Legends;Legendary Heroes;Quest For Glory;Heroes Lore
  1. 星球大战的创作者,乔治卢卡斯,据说是用了某种“公式”给他科幻英雄传奇小说中的人物起“超脱世俗”的名字的。

    The creator of Star Wars , George Lucas , is rumoured to use a " formula " to generate " unworldly " names for the characters in his sci-fi saga .

  2. 它们大致经历了从历史演义到英雄传奇再到武侠小说的演变发展过程,其间儿女、神魔故事杂糅渗透,只不过不成为主要矛盾,不决定小说的类型。

    They mainly experienced a course of evolution and development from historical novel to saga and further to Kung Fu novel with a multi-university of love and genies therein , which neither became principal contradiction nor decided novel style .

  3. 革命英雄传奇:英雄话语与英雄形象塑造

    The Creation of Heroic Figure in the Revolutional Hero Legend

  4. 说话艺术在篇幅上为英雄传奇长篇化提供了条件;

    Talk-art provided the terms on the space for the long article of Hero-legend .

  5. 新英雄传奇的主题话语是一种多维性的意义结构。

    The topic discourse of New Hero Legendary is a meaning structure with poly-dimension .

  6. 明清英雄传奇小说生成的商业经济基础

    Business and Economic Foundation of the Formation of the Hero-legend Novel in Ming-Qing Dynasty

  7. 新英雄传奇:英雄的张扬与迷失

    Heroes : Their Triumph and Loss NEW BOOK'SHOUSE

  8. 英雄传奇小说生成的文学传统

    Literature tradition of the Hero-legend novel'taking form

  9. 这部英雄传奇集战争和爱情于一体,在雷德利·斯科特(导演了《角斗士》)的执导下,一部浪漫的罗马史诗复活了。

    Scott revived the moribund Roman epic .

  10. 现代民族国家的叙事&新英雄传奇主题话语之一

    Narrative of Modern Nation - State

  11. 新英雄传奇历史生成论

    On the Forming of New-Hero Legendary

  12. 他是史诗星球大战英雄传奇和考古学家冒险家印第安纳琼斯的创作者。

    He is the creator of the epic Star Wars saga and the archaeologist-adventurer character Indiana Jones .

  13. 北欧英雄传奇的现代吟唱:《海尔格伦的海盗》

    " Sea Erg Roentgen s Pirate ": A Modern Song for the Northern European Heroic Legend ;

  14. 英雄传奇梦

    Dream of legend hero

  15. 革命英雄传奇的英雄形象塑造受到革命英雄话语和传统英雄话语的双重规约。

    The creation of the revolutionary heroes is stipulated by revolutionary and traditional hero discourse in the revolutionary legends .

  16. 历史性叙事绘画包括古典神话,英雄传奇,以及当代事件的展现。

    Historical narrative painting includes Classical mythology and heroic legend , as well as the representation of contemporary events .

  17. 史传文学的思想精神、人物和故事情节、结构模式和叙述视角多为英雄传奇小说模仿、借鉴。

    Historical-literature is imitated by Hero-legend on thought spirit , person with story details , construction model and describe view-point .

  18. 所以,英雄传奇小说在抒写对英雄们的崇拜和敬仰背后,传达的是一种坚定浓烈的爱国主义情怀。

    So from the description of adoration to the heroes , we can see a firm strong patriotism emotion in the legendary novels .

  19. 明清英雄传奇章回小说在吸取前代文学各种艺术积累的基础上逐步形成。

    The Hero - legend novel Ming - Qing Dynasty gradually take form on the foundation of art accumulation of the previous literature .

  20. 1920年代革命小说形成反抗叙事,成长叙事、焦虑与英雄传奇叙事等四种类型。

    The1920s'revolutionary fictions have four narrative patterns : the resistance narrative , the growing up narrative , the anxiety narrative and the heroic legend narrative .

  21. 新英雄传奇以积极投入生活的姿态,叙写了一大批抗日传奇英雄,高扬着英雄主义、乐观主义的旗帜,闪耀着理想主义的光芒。

    New heroic romance focuses on the anti-Japanese heroes with an attached way of looking into life , describing their heroism , optimism , and idealism .

  22. 我希望我可中变无英雄传奇以提供一个解决方案,但最终毫无所获。

    I wish I could offer solutions , but I have none . I know where we need to go , but not how to get there .

  23. 这部作品融历史演义、英雄传奇和神魔小说为一体,构思巧妙。

    The works mixes the historical novel , the heroic legend and the ghost story as a whole . The construction of the Female Celestial is very clever .

  24. 文章通过文本分析,从新英雄传奇、问题小说、家庭文学和讽刺文学四个维度考量百花文学的文学价值。

    By analyzing the text including new hero legend , problem novel , family literature and ironic literature , the paper measured the literary value with four dimensions .

  25. 思想的深刻和艺术的成熟使得以宋代为背景的英雄传奇小说在清前期达到了成熟的阶段。

    Deep thoughts and mature art form make the hero legendary novels which take Song Dynasty as the background to a mature stage in the early Qing Dynasty .

  26. 《水浒传》作为一部杰出的英雄传奇小说,学界对其研究已经相当深入,但仍有很多领域值得深入探讨。

    Known as an outstanding legendary novel , " Outlaws of the Marsh " has been studied on an academic depth , but there are still many areas unexplored .

  27. 革命英雄传奇小说:传奇与革命的融合、冲突&以《林海雪原》为例

    On the Integration and Conflict between the " Legend " with " Revolution ": Talking about the " Legendary Novels of Revolutionary Heroes " through " Snowfield of Sea of Woods "

  28. 第七章从时事与世情的融合、时事与英雄传奇的融合及俗化两个方向论述了时事小说的演化情况。

    Chapter Vfl discusses the development of the Current Events Novels from two directions , the current event blending separately with human feeling and the hero legends in which the material became vulgar .

  29. 《水浒传》是中国古代英雄传奇小说的巅峰之作,作品塑造了一批鲜活而富有个性特征的梁山英雄群像,获得了世界的赞誉。

    " All Men are Brothers " was hero romance work mountain peak in ancient times in China , the work has molded one batch bright and the rich individuality characteristic Liangshan hero group portrait , has obtained the world praise .

  30. 就让我们以武术的名义重振山河,让我们谱写和赞美那些英雄的传奇!

    Let 's revive the country in the name of martial art to compose and praise hero legends .