
  1. BP昨天公布了思文凯的任命,令投资者感到意外。思文凯之前没有任何油气行业经验。

    BP surprised investors with the appointment yesterday of Mr Svanberg , who has no previous experience in the oil and gas industry .

  2. bp表示,思文凯将于9月1日以非执行董事和当选董事长身份进入bp董事会,2010年1月1日正式就职。

    Mr Svanberg would join the BP board as a non-executive director and chairman-designate on September 1 before taking up his role fully on January 1 2010 , the company said .

  3. BP公司董事长思文凯(Carl-HenricSvanberg)表示,该决定是董事会一致同意的。

    BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg said the decision was by agreement .

  4. 思文凯自2003年起担任爱立信CEO,拥有丰富的成功履历,巩固了爱立信作为全球领先移动电话网络设备制造商的地位。

    Mr Svanberg has had a broad track record of success with Ericsson , where he became chief executive in 2003 , and consolidated its position as the world 's leading manufacturer of mobile phone network equipment .

  5. 瑞典电信设备制造商爱立信(ericsson)前首席执行官(ceo)思文凯(carl-henricsvanberg)向英国《金融时报》表示,汽车拥有率和航空旅行的增长速度是不可持续的。

    Carl-Henric Svanberg , chief executive of Swedish telecoms equipment maker Ericsson , told the financial times that the pace of growth of car ownership and air travel was unsustainable .

  6. 爱立信首席执行长思文凯(Carl-HenricSvanberg)在接受记者采访时说,在这个行业里成功不是唾手可得的,手机制造商需要很快生产出既美观又富创意的手机,这是一场持续不断的战斗。

    Phone makers need to quickly produce phones that are both good-looking and innovative , he said . 'It is a constant battle . '

  7. 直到被传唤到华盛顿时,思文凯才终于出现在公众面前。

    Mr Svanberg only appeared in public right at the end , when he was summoned to Washington .

  8. 思文凯补充称:我们需要社会变得更为明智,不能只是将旅行次数、汽车数量、飞机数量这类东西增加两倍。

    Mr Svanberg added : We need a more intelligent society where we can not just triple travel and triple cars and triple planes and triple everything .