
  • 网络acute mastitis
  1. CO2激光治疗急性乳腺炎154例疗效观察

    Observations on Curative Effect of 154 Acute Mastitis with CO_2 Laser

  2. 物理因子治疗急性乳腺炎110例临床应用

    The Clinical Application of Treatment on Acute Mastitis with Physical Factors

  3. 局部封闭治疗急性乳腺炎和乳腺脓肿120例

    Local Blockade for Acute Mastadenitis or Mammary Abscess in 120 Patients

  4. 中药汤剂治疗早期急性乳腺炎50例分析

    Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment of 50 Cases of Acute Mastitis

  5. 葱熨法治疗急性乳腺炎5例

    Five Cases of Acute Mammitis Treated with Heated Onion Paste Compress Method

  6. 目的:观察手法配合红外线治疗急性乳腺炎的疗效。

    Objective : Observation technique coordination infrared treatment acute mastitis curative effect .

  7. 针刺加服中药治疗急性乳腺炎

    Acute Mammitis Treated by Acupuncture in Combination with TCM

  8. 解毒散结汤治疗急性乳腺炎60例体会

    Experience on Jiedu Powder for the Treatment of 60 Cases of Acute Mastitis

  9. 目的总结评价自拟中药汤剂治疗早期急性乳腺炎疗效。

    Objective Evaluated the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of50 cases of acute mastitis .

  10. 注射式隆乳术后哺乳期并发急性乳腺炎的临床护理

    Clinical nursing for patients with acute mastitis after injectable breast augmentation during breast-feeding period

  11. 微创治疗急性乳腺炎的护理

    Nursing care of mammitis patients undergoing microinvasive therapy

  12. 针推结合心理疗法治疗急性乳腺炎临床观察

    Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Acute Mastitis by Acupuncture and Massotherapy plus Psychotherapy

  13. 212例急性乳腺炎患者乳腺脓液细菌培养及药敏分析

    The Germiculture and Drug Sensitive Test of the Liquor Puris from 212 Acute Mastitis Patients

  14. 哺乳期急性乳腺炎80例临床总结

    Observation of acute mastitis during the period of breast & feed * 80 Cases Report

  15. 督脉刮痧配刺血治疗急性乳腺炎的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Treatment of Acute Mastitis by Dermal Scraping on Du Channel plus Blood-letting Puncture

  16. 提示专病护理能提高中医治疗急性乳腺炎疗效。

    It is revealed that special nursing care can improve the clinical effects of acute mastitis .

  17. 发酵面粉加湿热敷治疗乳汁淤积性急性乳腺炎的临床观察

    Clinical observation on acute galactostasis and mastitis patients treated with hot compress with wetting fermental flours

  18. 揉散法治疗急性乳腺炎初期的随机对照临床研究

    Knead and Dispersing Manipulation Treatment for early stage of the Acute Mastitis : a randomized controlled trial

  19. 针刺配合中药治疗急性乳腺炎60例疗效观察

    Observation of Curative Effect of Applying Acupuncture to Coordinated Traditional Chinese Medicines for Curing 60 Acute Mastitis Cases

  20. 目的观察针刺推拿结合心理疗法治疗急性乳腺炎的疗效。

    Purpose To investigate the efficacy of acupuncture and massotherapy in combination with psychotherapy for treating acute mastitis .

  21. 目的探讨低频脉冲电刺激对产褥期妇女急性乳腺炎的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the curative effects of low frequency electric stimulation treating women with acute mastitis in puerperium .

  22. 大黄、芒硝外敷治疗早中期急性乳腺炎的临床观察及护理

    Clinical observation and nursing care of acute mastitis patients of early and intermediate stage treated with rhubarb and mirabilite external applying

  23. 乳痈消散汤治疗急性乳腺炎78例疗效分析

    The Therapeutic Effect of Ru Yong Xiao San Tang for the Treatment of Acute Mastadenitis - An Analysis of 78 Cases

  24. 目的:观察物理因子对急性乳腺炎的疗效,探讨物理因子的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To discuss the value of the clinical application after observation on treatment of acute mastitis with physical factors .

  25. 目的:观察中医辨证施护在产后早期急性乳腺炎的应用效果。

    Objective : To observe the effect of applying traditional Chinese medical nursing to the early stage of acute postpartum mastitis .

  26. 火针洞式烙口+提脓药捻引流技术治疗急性乳腺炎(成脓期)的疗效评价

    An Evaluation for the Curative Effect on Treatment of Acute Mastitis ( Pus Formation Stage ) by Holed Cauterized Needling Therapy Added Pus-extracted Drug Drainage Technique

  27. 采用局部封闭治疗急性乳腺炎和乳腺脓肿120例,平均治愈时间为4天,治愈率为100%。

    Cases with acute mastadenitis or mammary abscess were given local blockade . The time for local blockade was on average 4 days . The curative rate was 100 % .

  28. 方法:将99例早期急性乳腺炎患者随机分为治疗组56例和对照组43例进行临床比较。

    Methods : Ninetynine cases of early acute mastitis were divided into treatment group ( 56 cases ) and control group ( 43 cases ) randomly , then to make the clinical observation .