
lín bā xiàn yán
  • Lymphadenitis;bubo;adenitis
  1. 仅荷兰推荐使用异烟肼单药疗法治疗卡介苗诱发的淋巴腺炎。

    The use of isoniazid as single drug treatment for BCG vaccine-induced lymphadenitis is recommended only in the Netherlands .

  2. 在其他国家,发生卡介苗诱发的淋巴腺炎时,或者不采取治疗或者在必要时采用外科切除法。

    Elsewhere , most cases of BCG lymphadenitis are managed either by doing nothing or by surgical excision if necessary .

  3. 暴露于有传染性的较大的飞沫微粒或者摄入感染组织(咽鼠疫)所致的咽炎或颈淋巴腺炎。

    Pharyngitis and cervical lymphadenitis resulting from exposure to larger infectious droplets or ingestion of infected tissues ( pharyngeal plague ) .