
jí xìnɡ chuán rǎn bìnɡ
  • acute infectious disease
  1. 高致病性禽流感(AI)是由禽流感病毒(AIV)引起的一种急性传染病。

    High pathogenic Avian influenza is an acute infectious disease caused by Avian influenza virus ( AIV ) .

  2. 一种急性传染病常出现肺炎或血液感染。

    An acute infectious disease characterized by pneumonia and blood infection .

  3. 流行性乙型脑炎(epidemicencephalitisB)是由日本脑炎病毒(Japaneseencephalitisvirus,JEV)引起的中枢神经系统的急性传染病。

    Epidemic Encephalitis B , caused by Japanese Encephalitis Virus ( JEV ), is a kind of acute contagious disease of central nervous system .

  4. 甲型肝炎是由甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)引起的急性传染病。

    Hepatitis A virus ( HAV ) infection is the leading cause of acute viral hepatitis throughout the world .

  5. 鸡包涵体肝炎(IBH)是由禽腺病毒(AAV)引起雏鸡的一种急性传染病。

    Inclusion body hepatitis ( IBH ) is caused by several serotypes of avian adenovirus .

  6. 伪狂犬病(Pseudorabies,PR)是由α疱疹病毒科的伪狂犬病病毒(Pseudorabiesvirus,PrV)引起的包括多种家畜和野生动物共患的一种急性传染病。

    Pseudorabies virus ( PrV ), a member of Alpha Herpesvirus , is the causative agent of Pseudorabies ( Aujeszky 's disease ), one of the most serious infectious diseases of several domestic and wild animals .

  7. 猪脑心肌炎是由脑心肌炎病毒(EncephalomyocarditisVirus,EMCV)引起猪的以脑炎、心肌炎或心肌周围炎为主要临床特征的急性传染病。

    Porcine encephalomyocarditis is an acute infectious disease of swine caused by encephalomyocarditis virus ( EMCV ) . This disease is clinically characterized by encephalitis , myocarditis or inflammation around cardiac muscles .

  8. 鹿出血性肠炎主要是由产气荚膜杆菌(Clostridiumperfringens)所引起的一种以发病急、病程短、病死率高为显著特征的急性传染病。

    Hemorrhagic enteritis from Cervus , which is a acute infectious disease , is chiefly caused by Clostridium perfringens . The disease significant characteristics are that onset of illness is urgent , course is short , and fatality rate is very high .

  9. 登革热是一种由过滤性病毒所引起的急性传染病。

    Dengue fever is an acute communicable disease caused by virus .

  10. 湛江市1991&2000年急性传染病发病趋势分析

    An Epidemiological Analysis on Acute Infectious Diseases in Zhanjiang City During 1991-2000

  11. 脊髓灰质炎是由脊髓灰质炎病毒引起的急性传染病。

    Poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease caused by the poliomyelitis virus .

  12. 某少数民族地区急性传染病健康教育效果评价

    Effect evaluation of health education on acute infectious disease in Guangxi minority area

  13. 1960~2004年仪征市急性传染病疫情分析

    Epidemic situation of acute infectious diseases from 1960 to 2004 in Yizheng City

  14. 贵州省2004年急性传染病暴发疫情分析

    Analysis of Epidemic Outbreak of Acute Communicable Diseases in 2004 in Guizhou Province

  15. 韶关市1951~1995年急性传染病发病动态分析

    Analysis on morbidity of acute infectious disease from 1951 to 1995 in Shaoguan

  16. 汕头市1960~1998年急性传染病死亡趋势分析

    Mortality Trend of Acute Infectious Disease Analysis in Shantou , 1960 ~ 1998

  17. 南海市1967~1996年急性传染病疫情动态分析

    Incidence Trend Analysis of Acute Infectious Disease in Nanhai City , 1967 ~ 1996

  18. 1950~2002年昆山市急性传染病的流行趋势

    The prevalence trend of acute infectious diseases in Kunshan City from 1950 to 2002

  19. 鸡志贺氏菌病是由鸡志贺氏菌引起的一种新的急性传染病。

    Shigellosis of flock is a new acute infectious disease caused by flock shigella bacteria .

  20. 2007-2008年辽宁省营口市突发急性传染病早期预警现况分析

    Analysis on the early warning of acute infectious disease in Yingkou , Liaoning , 2007-2008

  21. 伤寒是由伤寒杆菌引起的经消化道传播的急性传染病。

    Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhi , as the spread of acute gastrointestinal disease .

  22. 增城市50年急性传染病流行趋势分析

    Analysis of prevalent tendency of acute infectious diseases in the past fifty years in Zengcheng City

  23. 103例小儿白血病在病房内并发急性传染病的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of acute infectious diseases among which complicating of leukemia in 103 children in the ward

  24. 鳖的红脖子病是由嗜水气单胞菌引起的一种急性传染病。

    Red neck disease of soft shelled turtle is an acute infectious disease caused by Aeromonas hydrophila .

  25. 定义:登革热是登革热病毒引起、依蚊传播的一种急性传染病。

    Definition : Dengue fever is caused by dengue virus , according to an acute mosquito-borne diseases .

  26. 医疗保险改革后上海市急性传染病报告质量调查

    A survey on the quality of report of acute communicable diseases in Shanghai after medical treatment insurance reform

  27. 目的探讨综合医院在发生急性传染病时,预防医院感染发生的对策。

    OBJECTIVE To study the countermeasures of general hospital against acute infectious diseases and to prevent nosocomial infection .

  28. 方法运用分析流行病的研究方法,将高州市1950~1999年法定报告的急性传染病进行统计学分析。

    Methods And the reportable acute infectious disease from 1950 to 1999 in Gaozhou City were statistically analyzed .

  29. 因为科学家发现,在应对急性传染病时,糖分能够提高抗生素的疗效。

    Because scientists have found that , in battling chronic infections , sugar can boost the effectiveness of antibiotics .

  30. 镇宁自治县1951&2000年急性传染病流行特征及防制对策研究

    Study on Epidemiological Characters and Control Strategies of Notifiable Infectious Diseases from 1951 to 2000 in Zhenning Autonomous County