
  • 网络acute pyelonephritis
  1. “清利通淋汤”治疗急性肾盂肾炎40例临床观察

    Treatment of40 cases of acute pyelonephritis with " qinglitongling decoction "

  2. 两种急性肾盂肾炎大鼠模型病理形态学比较

    Comparision of Pathological Morphology in Two Rat Model of Acute Pyelonephritis

  3. 在鉴别妊娠合并急性肾盂肾炎和急性膀胱炎中,CRP是一个特异性和敏感性较好的指标。

    CRP have sensitivity and efficiency in the discrimination between pyelonephritis and cystitis during pregnancy .

  4. 报告151例急性肾盂肾炎、急性膀胱炎患者中段尿支原体和细菌培养结果。从中段尿中分离出解脲支原体(Uu)31株,人型支原体(Mh)2株,支原体阳性率为20.6%。

    Abstract strains of ureaplasma urealyticum and 2 strains of mycoplasma hominis were isolated in 151 patients with acute pyelonephritis or acute cystitis , with a positivity rate of 20.6 % .

  5. 表面活性蛋白A在大鼠急性肾盂肾炎动物模型中的表达

    Expression of surfactant protein A in the rat kidney with acute pyelonephritis

  6. “栀柏猪苓汤”治疗急性肾盂肾炎35例临床观察

    Treatment of35 cases of acute pyelonephritis with " zhibo Zhuling decoction "

  7. 核素肾皮质显像在急性肾盂肾炎中的作用

    The role of radionuclide renal cortical scintigraphy in acute pyelonephritis

  8. 急性肾盂肾炎通常只影响局部区域,其发病多无明显诱因。

    Acute pyelonephritis is usually localized and may have no apparent cause .

  9. 急性肾盂肾炎大鼠模型的建立与观察

    Establishment and Observation of Rats Model with Acute Pyelonephritis

  10. 前言:目的:探讨输尿管梗阻合并急性肾盂肾炎的治疗方案。

    Objective : To discuss the therapy of ureter obstruction combined with acute pyelitis .

  11. 支原体与急性肾盂肾炎、急性膀胱炎的关系

    Mycoplasmas and acute pyelonephritis or acute cystitis

  12. 急性肾盂肾炎的治疗效果

    Effect of Treatments for Acute Pyelonephritis

  13. 本文就支原体在急性肾盂肾炎、急性膀胱炎中的致病作用及治疗进行了讨论。

    The pathopoiesis of mycoplasma in acute pyelonephritis and cystitis and their treatment were also discussed .

  14. 高倍镜下,急性肾盂肾炎的病例中在肾小管和肾间质区可以看到有大量的中性粒细胞浸润。

    At high magnification , many neutrophils are seen in the tubules and interstitium in a case of acute pyelonephritis .

  15. 结论:及时置管引流或尿流改道解除梗阻加有效的抗生素治疗是治疗输尿管梗阻合并急性肾盂肾炎的有效方案。

    Conclusion : Setting catheter cooperating with antibiotics therapy is the effective methods for treating ureter obstruction combined with acute pyelitis .

  16. 上尿路感染或急性肾盂肾炎经常出现发热、寒颤、腰部疼痛和不同程度尿痛、尿急和尿频。

    Upper UTI or acute pyelonephritis often presents with fever , chills , flank pain , and varying degrees of dysuria , urgency , and frequency .

  17. 结果本组52例急性肾盂肾炎中有39例显示肾盂壁增厚,声像图表现有3种形式:双线征、低回声带征及三线征。

    Results Thirty-nine of 52 cases demonstrated thickened renal pelvic wall which were divided into three forms : double thread sign , the low echo strip-like sign and triple thread sign .

  18. 急性肾盂肾炎是一种常见的泌尿系疾病,可引起不可逆性肾实质损害&肾疤痕形成,并导致一系列并发症,如高血压、慢性肾功能衰竭等。

    Acute pyelonephritis is a common disease in urinary system and can results in the irreversible renal parenchyma lesions-renal scarring and lead to a series of complications , such as hypertension , chronic renal failure and so on .

  19. 结论急性肾盂肾炎的大鼠模型在生长状态、体重系数、肾重系数以及肾脏病理改变方面均与人肾盂肾炎发病相似,造模成功。

    Conclusion The rat model with the acute nephropyelitis is similar to the character in the break of human , which manifest on the appearance , mental condition , body weight coefficient , kidney weight coefficient and pathologic change of the kidney . Succeed in the model establishment .

  20. 目的对上尿路梗阻引起的急性爆发性肾盂肾炎感染休克的诊断、治疗、预防加以临床分析。

    Objective To discuses the diagnosis , treatment and prophylaxis of acute fulminating pyelonephritis infective shock ( AEPIS ) caused by upper urinary tract obstruction .