
xìnɡ chuán bō jí bìnɡ
  • sexually transmitted disease
  1. 年鉴同时指出,性传播疾病报告病例数显著下降。

    The yearbook also noted a sharp drop in reported cases of sexually transmitted disease .

  2. 目的:为研究性传播疾病(STD)引起的慢性前列腺炎的病原学特点。

    Objective : To study pathogenic characteristics of chronic prostatitis resulted from sexually transmitted disease .

  3. 性传播疾病的蔓延

    the spread of sexually transmitted diseases .

  4. 性传播疾病与输卵管妊娠的PCR分析

    The association between sexually transmited diseases and ectopic pregnancy by polymerase chain reaction analysis

  5. 网站上有聊天论坛,还提供降低感染HIV及罹患其他性传播疾病风险的建议。

    The site offered chat forums and advice on reducing the risk of H.I.V. and other sexually transmitted diseases .

  6. 前言:目的:探讨血清白细胞介素-8(IL-8)在性传播疾病的诊断中的价值。

    Objectire : To investigate the value of IL-8 in diagnosis of STD.

  7. 目的探讨勃起功能障碍(ED)与性传播疾病(STD)的关系。

    Objective To determine the relationship between erectile disfunction and sex transmitted diseases .

  8. 目的了解分娩产妇性传播疾病(STD)情况。

    Objective Investigate the condition of childbirth puerpera about STD.

  9. 结论:尿道炎后慢性前列腺炎以ⅢB最为多见,性传播疾病病原体不是慢性前列腺炎的主要致病因素。

    Conclusion : CAP (ⅲ B ) was the most common form of chronic prostatitis . The STD pathogens were not the main pathogenic factor of PUCP .

  10. 梅毒为我国目前主要的性传播疾病(STD)之一。

    Syphilis is one of main sexual transmitted diseases ( STD ) in our country .

  11. 世界卫生组织和联合国抗AIDS组织鼓励更广泛的使用女用避孕套来避免意外怀孕和性传播疾病的感染。

    WHO and UNAIDS are encouraging wider access to the female condom as a method of preventing both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections .

  12. 性传播疾病患者EB病毒亚临床感染的初步调查

    Primary Investigation for Subclinical Epstein Barr Virus Infection of Sexually Transmitted Disease Patients

  13. 目的找出性传播疾病(以下简称STD)的发病流行规律,旨在为制定防治措施提供依据。

    Objective To learn the epidemic law of STD and provide basis for formulating prevention measures .

  14. 22%的调查对象近1a患过性传播疾病。

    22 % had suffered from STD in the past one year .

  15. 目的:了解大学女生对自身生殖系统健康及对性传播疾病(STD)的了解水平,尤其是艾滋病(AIDS)的知识与态度。

    Objective : To assess the knowledge and attitude of reproductive health and STD , especially AIDS of college female students .

  16. 性传播疾病高危人群EPQ测定

    Eysenck personality questionnaire test for high-risk group with sexually transmitted diseases

  17. 总之,在接触到病毒的情况下,性传播疾病的患者更易感染HIV。

    All in all , come into contact with the case of HIV , sexually transmitted diseases , risk of infection in patients with HIV .

  18. 提示加强对高危人群性传播疾病、HIV的筛查是防治STD传播的重点。

    It demonstrated that screening strategy in the high-risk population of women is useful in controlling the spread of STDs and HIV .

  19. 目的:探讨性传播疾病(STD)的误诊因素,旨在提高临床医生的正确诊断。

    Objective : To discuss the factors contributing to misdiagnosis of STD , aiming to improving clinicians'diagnostic accuracy for STD.

  20. 目的了解HIV感染者中梅毒螺旋体(TP)在我省的感染状况,为监测性传播疾病(STD)提供科学依据。

    Objective To understand the infection of TP among HIV carriers in Yunnan province , and to offer scientific bases for surveillance STD.

  21. 威尔斯曼称,在美国,女用避孕套的使用对于家庭计划生育和减少HIV和性传播疾病的蔓延时同等重要的。

    Weissman says that in the U.S. , female condom use is important both for family-planning purposes and for protection against HIV / AIDS and other STDs .

  22. 梅毒(syphilis)是由苍白螺旋体(TP)引起的性传播疾病,是我国目前主要性传播疾病之一。

    Syphilis is caused by treponema pallidum which is one of main sexual transmitted disease ( STD ) in our country .

  23. 背景与目的:近年来,在现代避孕药具的大家族中,屏障避孕因具有避孕和预防性传播疾病(STD)的双重功能,而为人们所重视。

    Objective and background : In recent years , barrier contraception are gaining importance as it has contraceptive and STD inhibiting properties .

  24. 目的了解某三级甲等医院皮肤性病科门诊性传播疾病(STD)患者求医行为特征及其主要影响因素。

    Objective To explore the characteristics of health seeking behavior and its related factors of sexually transmitted diseases ( STD ) outpatients .

  25. 结果:32.2%的STD(性传播疾病)患者合并肝炎病毒感染,高于正常对照组(P0.05)。

    Results : The infection rate of hepatitis virus in patients with sexually transmitted disease was higher than that in controls (( P0.05 ) . )

  26. 生殖道沙眼衣原体(Ct)感染为目前最常见的性传播疾病之一,然而对男性Ct感染的研究相对较少。

    Chlamydia trachomatis ( Ct ) infection in reproductive tract is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases at present . However , relatively fewer studies are made on Ct infection in men .

  27. 二十一世纪,我国面临着稳定低生育水平与预防艾滋病(AIDS)等性传播疾病的双重挑战。

    China is currently facing a dual challenge on retaining low birth rate and preventing Acquired immune deficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) and other sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) .

  28. 2015年底,俄罗斯登记HIV感染总人数超过100万人,因而俄罗斯也在努力控制性传播疾病和感染。

    Russia has struggled to control sexually transmitted diseases and infections , with the total number of registered HIV cases in the country exceeded one million in late 2015 .

  29. CA在全世界发病率逐年增高,成为性传播疾病(STD)中的最常见疾病之一。

    Morbidity of CA is increasing in the world year by year and CA has become one of the most common sexually transmitted disease ( STD ) .

  30. 目的:梅毒(Syphilis)是一种危害很大的性传播疾病,经过治疗后患者体内的血清学改变较为复杂。

    Objective : Syphilis is one of the sexually transmitted diseases . The serological changes in the host are very complicated after treatment .