
xìnɡ dǎo
  • sexduction
  1. 氧等离子体改性导尿管表面的研究

    Surface Modification of Latex Catheter by Oxygen Plasma

  2. 本文提出一种计算周期性导波结构的时域有限差分方法。

    A novel FDTD ( finite-difference time-domain ) method is presented for the analysis of electromagnetic wave propagation in periodic structures .

  3. H面波导不连续性是导波场理论中的重要问题。

    H-plane waveguide discontinuities is an important problem in the theory of guided waves .

  4. 钙粘附蛋白-11(Cadherin-11)属于Ⅱ型钙粘附蛋白,是一种钙离子依赖性介导嗜同性细胞-细胞间粘附的跨膜糖蛋白。

    Cadherin-11 is a single-chain integral membrane glycoprotein , which mediates calcium-dependent cell cell adhesion by homophilic manner .

  5. 目的前瞻性研究导尿管表面生物膜检测,为临床诊断和治疗导尿管伴随性尿路感染(UTIc)提供实验依据。

    OBJECTIVE To study prospectively the determination of peripheral biological membrane on indwelling urethral catheter in order to provide experimental bases for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections with catheter ( UTIc ) .

  6. 氨茶碱对腺苷负性变导效应的拮抗作用

    Specific Antagonistic Action of Aminophylline on the Negative Dromotropic Effect of Adenosine

  7. 水性纳米导静电浆料制备研究

    Preparation of Water-borne Static-Conducting Water Dispersing Nano Slurry

  8. 分析了导湿纤维的芯吸特点,并利用其高吸水性和导水性,探索了一种新型的冷却技术。

    Then it discussed the characteristics of moisture fibers and explored a new type cooling technology .

  9. 测试表明,该面料具有较好的保暖性和导湿性,并具有良好的尺寸稳定性。

    It makes clear that the fabric possesses good characteristics of heat reservation and conducting moisture and good shape stability .

  10. 分析了招标管理的不妥是直接影响投标的不公平性从而导至工程质量的关键环节失控。阐述了招标中影响质量的问题及改进办法

    The paper analyzed unfairness in the construction bidding , and put forward a method to improve management of engineering bidding

  11. 电子束管水溶性外导电石墨乳石油和合成液抗乳化性能测定法

    Colloidal graphite for cathode tube external coating with liquid carrier testing method for emulsion characteristics of petroleum oil and synthetic fluids

  12. 在松南及南部邻区岩石圈中存在电性高导层,分布在壳内和幔内。

    High electrical conductivity layer distributed in crust and mantle exists in lithosphere in Southern Songliao Basin and its southern neighboring area .

  13. 由质点运动连续性公理导得力的连续性定理及关于质点运动轨迹的三个定理。

    We can derive one theorem of the continuity of a force and three theorems about the trajectory of a particle with the particle-motion-continuity axiom .

  14. 不同「年龄、服务年资、职务、是否参与过相关视导研习活动」之基隆市国民小学教育人员对发展性视导整体的知觉情形达显著差异。

    There were above average perception for the elementary schools educators'points of view about the ideals of teacher professional development by Developmental Supervision in Keelung City .

  15. 在研究中还注意参考了渤海地热流和地壳上地幔电性高导层抬升的研究成果。

    Some research results from geothermal heat flow values and the electrical high conductivity layer 's upwelling in crust and upper mantle have been referenced in the study .

  16. 在初始的心肌损伤以后,有各种不同的继发性介导因素直接或间接作用于心肌而促进心肌重塑。

    There are various types of stimuli acting directly or indirectly via cellular mediators within myocardium , and hence promoting myocardial remodeling after the initiation of myocardial damage .

  17. 讨论导函数的若干性质:导函数具有介值性、导函数无第一类间断点。

    The paper discussed the characters of derivatives that it has the character of intermediate value property and it has no the character of the discontinuity points of the first kind .

  18. 大豆蛋白纤维与棉混纺纱织制的色织物,手感柔软滑爽,具有良好的悬垂性、导湿性和强伸性。

    Colored weaving fabric which weaved with soybean protein fiber and cotton fiber Blended yarn has soft smooth feeling , better drape , better conduct wet and better strength & elongation .

  19. 综合利用这些多源信息,发现范各庄矿3-2皮带巷原设计区域存在着13隐伏导水岩溶陷落柱,具有强富水性及导水性。

    Comprehensively utilized these information , found that the 13 # covered transmissible karstic subsided column existed in originally designed 3-2 belt conveyor roadway area , where is a water-rich and has strong transmissibility area .

  20. 对于航空钣金零件上特有的几何特征,如对称性、导孔、止裂孔等,本文提出了相关处理方法,并在此基础上设计了相应的后置处理子系统。

    This paper also provides processing methods for the aircraft SMCs specific geometric features , such as symmetry , pilot hole , bend relief and so on , in this foundation , the corresponding post processing subsystems is designed .

  21. TH细胞在记忆性CTL介导的肿瘤抑制中的作用研究

    The role of T_H cells in memory CTL mediated tumor protection

  22. KD急性期患者快速经静脉输注维生素C后反应性充血介导肱动脉内径百分变化率较前明显增加(P<0.01)。

    Intravenous infusion of vitamin C significantly increased the percent change of brachial artery induced by reactive hyperemia .

  23. 检测抗体依赖性细胞介导细胞毒活力的~(51)Cr释放法的初步应用

    A Preliminary Application of _ ~ ( 51 ) Cr Release Test for the Measurement of Antibody-dependent Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity ( ADCC ) Activity

  24. 果实特异性RNAi介导的Lcy基因沉默来增加番茄中番茄红素的含量

    Fruit-specific RNAi-mediated Lcy Gene Silencing Enhances Content of Lycopene in Tomatoes

  25. 限制性内切酶介导的重叠延伸在人环氧合酶-1(COX-1)基因克隆中的应用

    Application of Overlap Extension Mediated by Restriction Endonuclease in Cloning of Human Cyclooxygenase-1 ( COX-1 ) Gene

  26. 通过调整相位和功率密度分布,我们在两种对称性的SPP导模之间实现了高效率的模式转换。

    Efficient conversion between the two types of modes can be achieved by reshaping both phase and power density distributions of the guided mode .

  27. 本文旨在以内源性siRNA介导的RNAi为基础,运用生物信息学的原理和方法,在若干种生物的基因组中寻找进化保守的基因相互作用网络。

    This article aims to find an evolution conservative gene interaction networks based on RNAi induced by the endogenous siRNA , by using the principles and methods of bioinformatics .

  28. 在传统的OFDM系统中,一般采用等间隔等功率分配的导频序列,然而,由于频谱的非连续性,这种导频序列无法应用于NC-OFDM系统。

    In traditional OFDM systems , equispaced and equipowered pilot sequence is generally used . However , this pilot sequence cannot be applied to NC-OFDM systems due to the non-continuous spectrum .

  29. 本研究在探索银耳遗传转化体系的基础上,构建了高赖氨酸蛋白基因表达载体,利用限制性内切酶介导整合法(REMI),首次把高赖氨酸蛋白基因导入银耳芽孢,获得了转基因菌株。

    In the study , on the basis of studying the system of genetic transformation of Tremella fuciformis , a lysine-rich protein gene expression vector was constructed , and then transferred into Tremella fuciformis spores with Restriction Enzyme-Mediated DNA Integration ( REMI ) .

  30. 对于时延估计,采用周期性插入块状导频估计时延。

    Periodic block type pilot are used for the path delay .